Monday, May 7, 2018

Kiss of the Goblin Prince


Kiss of the Goblin Prince: Shadowlands series - Shona Husk

I liked this better than The Goblin King. After the first, I was intrigued about Dai and wanted his story. Overall, I enjoyed the slow burn between Amanda and Dai. I wished Amanda had realized much sooner that she really wasn't living. I understand losing someone, but to not move on after it's been years, was a bit extreme. 
Dai, too, took along time to get over his fears and desire for vengeance. Amanda was good at reading him and giving him some suggestions. I thought his background and abuse was dealt with well, along with his PTSD and acceptance of his body- scars, tattoos, and all.
What kept this from being a 4 was the slow-burn. There were moments that were so slow. And I wanted more of a payoff between Dai and Amanda at the end. (But I think the ending was realistic and if both were running to the alter at the end, it wouldn't have been true to their characters). And, yes, those last 2 sentences contradict each other:-)


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