Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Turquoise Guardian


Turquoise Guardian - Jenna Kernan

This was entertaining, lots of action. I was pleasantly surprised. My only issue was the underlying mystery, who-did it, wasn't solved. There were some answers, but not many. I recognize this is a series of 4 books, but for an Intrigue, I expected it to be more stand-alone. They do solve their misunderstanding and it's one I don't think would have been "solved" had Amber laid it all out there at 17. I think Carter wouldn't have had the maturity to help her. The ending was......different. Anything else and it'd be a spoiler, but if you want to know here it is: [spoiler]The ending was different since they were going to be in witness protection for an undetermined period of time[/spoiler].  I did like it enough to continue on to books 2, Eagle Warrior.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1762295/turquoise-guardian

Monday, May 28, 2018

The Bashful Bride- Release day review!


The Bashful Bride - Vanessa Riley

"Hopefully, all you see is a girl going with a boy to Gretna Green to marry and live happily ever after."
Ester's father wants to marry her off to someone of his choosing. Problem is, Ester doesn't like the man chosen. He is a far too interested in all the ladies. Her friend, Frederica, is looking for a husband by advertising for one in the paper. When they realize one of the respondents is Arthur Bex, Frederica "gives" him to Ester. Ester has crushed on and admired Arthur for 2 years. They come to an understanding and elope to Gretna Green to get married. 
Ester I both liked and didn't at times. She was immature at times and judgmental. I did like her growth throughout the book. I thought her relationships with her mom and dad were a highlight for me and showed that she didn't know everything, but made assumptions anyway. They and she finally talk and she realizes she was very unfair. And she didn't know everything. Her fear of Arthur getting hurt or killed made her controlling. I admit to be being very annoyed that it took so long for her to accept that part of him. 
It does take her until the end of the book to fully accept and conquer her fear. 
Arthur I really liked. However, he held on to his secret for too long. He had so many opportunities to come clean to Ester. So many. And didn't. I remember reading and thinking, "just tell her dammit!." Multiple times. Because, knowing his backstory, one understands why he does what he does now.
And lastly, if you couldn't tell from the cover, Ester is black (Blackamoor) and Arthur is white. I haven't read a historical romance with a woman of color as the main character. That perspective adds a whole new dynamic to the story. It takes place in 1820 and even though slave trade was outlawed in the mainland, it wasn't in the colonies. Slavery was so pervasive in the attitudes and opinions of the time. 
Ester had to always plan her outings, where to go, what to wear. She not only was female, she was female and black. Arthur, on the other hand, got judged on his profession (actor), but never his skin color or his sex. 
I loved the author's note at the end. I will be checking out her back-list. I'm interested in Theodosia's story (1st book). Frederica's story is next! 

eARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing, LLC and NetGalley
Releases today May 28, 2018

the prequel novella-A Bittersweet Moment is free in the Kindle store now.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1762017/the-bashful-bride-release-day-review

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Night Shift


Night Shift - Charlaine Harris

The first half was so slow. Just get on with it already! The last half picked up thankfully. I really didn't get the whole point of Kiki's visit other than to make sure the readership knew that Kiki is a bitch (well, duh) and Fiji an outcast in her own family (oh my, I had no idea, none!). I was beyond annoyed with the "virgin blood" plot point. That. Was. Bad. 
After all that, who was the person on the top floor of the Midnight Hotel facing the pawnshop? It was a mystery, but one with no resolution. Also, whomever paid for the hotel and the assisted living fees of Mamie, Susie, and Tommy was never outright solved. I'm assuming "O's" father? I'm glad the series is over, this on was unsatisfying and annoying. But, I'm annoyed further with the amount of (what I feel are) lose ends. Did I miss something?

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1761782/night-shift

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Everything I Know About Love I Learned from Romance Novels


Everything I Know About Love I Learned from Romance Novels - Sarah Wendell

While this was enjoyable and fun to read, it didn't necessarily tell me anything I didn't already know. I think this book is perfect for the people (men and women) who disdain romance and by default, the people who write and read it. About a year ago, I was at the post office mailing out several books for swap. The postal worker checking me out, was interested in what I was sending out. We talked very briefly about books and when I told her I primarily read romance (of all genres), I got an "Oh." This was an exciting conversation, that quickly turned awkward. I couldn't get of there fast enough.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1761677/everything-i-know-about-love-i-learned-from-romance-novels

Sunday, May 20, 2018

For the Love of a Goblin Warrior


For the Love of a Goblin Warrior (Shadowlands) - Shona Husk

The best of the trilogy! I enjoyed how the story-line wrapped up in this one. Nadine's mom was murdered and Nadine witnessed part of it. Her dad was accused of her murder and found guilty. Nadine was sent to a series of foster homes. She grows up, becomes a nurse and that is how she meets Meryn. 
Meryn comes in to Nadine's ED, confused, disheveled, and speaking a foreign language no one speaks anymore. He sees empathy and compassion in Nadine. They connect. After getting care, he sets up a camp in one of the parks. Gradually, and with some help from Dai, he learns the new world. They connect again while Nadine is on a run after work. 
I really liked both characters and how Nadine's background ties in with Meryn's. I thought Nadine's father was selfless in his choice to let the past go and focus on now.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1735369/for-the-love-of-a-goblin-warrior

Possessed by a Warrior


Possessed by a Warrior - Sharon Ashwood

Chloe's uncle was murdered. She is one of the executors of his estate. A diamond encrusted wedding dress and how Jack came to have it is one mystery she needs help solving. Enter Sam, the other c0-executor of Jack's estate and Jack's trusted friend. I thought that Chloe was smart and resourceful. I liked how she could read people which works in her line of business (wedding planner). I didn't like how Sam tried to keep her in the dark at first. I thought this had a strong start, but then fizzled for me about 100 pages in and I started to lose interest.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1735368/possessed-by-a-warrior

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Forged in Steele


Forged in Steele - Maya Banks

Steele, like Rio, was a character whose story I really wanted to read and I looked forward to it. But, like Rio's, I was disappointed. For the "Iceman" I didn't buy it. He's an asshole one moment, then incredibly sappy another. I got whiplash. What woman wants to be called an "idiot?" Really? Surly there could have been a better middle ground for Steele's sappiness. 
Maren, I liked. She's got a career. She's competent. I didn't care for a certain trope. Then, let's give her a psycho admirer and get her kidnapped! And have to be rescued. *Sigh*
The final, eye-roll came towards the end. Someone is CRITICALLY injured and bleeding out, but let's check the MEDICALLY STABLE pregnant woman to make sure she is not having a miscarriage. 
I was set to give this a 2. But, then, Steele was willing to put Maren and her career before his own, move anywhere she wanted, and, if needed or necessary, give up his career at KGI. While that didn't make my issues or disappointment with this book go away, if softened it a bit. So, a generous 3. 
I do think I'm done with this series.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1668616/forged-in-steele

Dark Desires


Dark Desires  - Eve Silver

I really enjoyed this one.  Darcie is a survivor and has been through tragedy.  She finds her sister, Mrs (Abigail) Feather, who runs a brothel.  Abigail is also a survivor and has made the best of her situation.  She directs Darcie to seek employment with Dr Damien Cole.

Damien is a mystery.  There was certain moments where his motives and character where questioned.  Darcie, at first cautious, gradually trusts and throws caution to the wind.  Not everything is as it seems.  

I admired Darcie for her escape from a harrowing event.  She shares her story with Damien.  Damien finally comes clean with his secret.  There were times that I thought Darcie was a little too meek, but then she'd shrug it off.  She did have one TSTL moment at the end.  But, hey, the killer was unmasked.

What I really liked about Damien was his being able to see women as equal to men.  "There are not women in medical school, " Damien repeated.  "Yet."  

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1668614/dark-desires

Saturday, May 12, 2018

He's So Fine


He's So Fine - Jill Shalvis

After the last book, I was really looking forward to Olivia's story. I was curious what her past was. It was satisfying. Cole was awesome and a really good fit for her. I enjoyed Cole and his interactions with his sisters. I liked that Becca was in this a little and Callie was introduced. Have to say, I'm looking forward to Tanner and Callie's story (even if Tanner is my least favorite of the 3 guys. Cole would have to be my favorite). Just sayin.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1668373/he-s-so-fine

Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...