Wednesday, February 21, 2018

The Player and the Pixie


The Player and the Pixie (Rugby Book 2) - L.H. Cosway, Penny Reid

I really didn't like Sean from book 1. I thought he was an asshole. I wasn't crazy about Lucy either. Lucy was too dependent on her brother's generosity and blamed her mother for her stealing. Get therapy you idiot! I read this in the hope that I would end up liking both of them by the end.
Despite my issues (not liking either character to start, Sean not knowing how to get a woman off, etc) I kept reading this. I enjoyed the writing and the banter between all the characters. I ended the book not hating Sean anymore, so there's that. Lucy got some help and stood up for herself. A huge point in Sean's favor: He fell for Lucy. Just. As. She. Was.


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