Saturday, February 3, 2018

Sounds to Die By


Sounds To Die By (Sensory Ops Book 1) - Nikki Duncan

Ian is blind. Despite that disability, his hearing is extraordinary. He works for the NSA. Kieralyn is a FBI agent who is tired of not being taken seriously by her colleagues. She is working a series of kidnappings that she believes are connected. But her (male) colleagues disagree. So, she goes rogue and enlists Ian's help. Ian agrees because he hears and recognizes a code name on the recording Kieralyn brings him.
This has so much potential, but ended up being such a disappointment. I got tired of Kieralyn and her (for lack of a better word) rantings. If I liked her, I would have had more sympathy for her. She was quite stupid at times (not having backup, taking on a situation herself when she was outnumbered). She didn't act like a smart FBI agent. There were times I wondered how she got as far as she did.

This is the new cover.  Originally published in 2009 by Samhain.  And I've had this on Mt TBR since 2010ish.  I think.

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