Thursday, November 2, 2017

The White Lily

The White Lily - Juliette Cross

In the northern Varis Empire, Friedrich Volya, the Duke of Winter Hill is the one in charge. His uncles are Dominik (the most ruthless of the Queen's sons) and Marius (he married the leader of the rebellion and "betrayed" his family). Friedrich is on the side of the rebellion. Someone in his land is spreading a pamphlet of support for the rebellion and is called "The White Lily." Dominik is on a quest to find and bring down this person. 
Brennalyn has lived in Terrington for the last 3 years. She works as a school teacher, taking in orphans who have no where else to go. She also is an agitator and is actively working for social change. 
I've enjoyed each book in this series. Each is a fairy tale retelling. This one is Snow White. Brenna has 7 orphans (Helena, Emment, Caden, Beatrice, Jack, Denny, and Izzy) that she is mom to. They think of her as mom and I loved Friedrich's reaction to them too. I liked, although it's brief, reading about Arabelle, Marius, Sienna, and Nikolai again after their stories. The underlying story is progressing and I like where this is going. 
No description is out for book 4 (assuming there will be a book 4), but I'm guessing it will be Dragomir Vilhelmina of Arkadia's book, aka Mina. I hope. I suspect maybe Mikhail (Blood Guard) or Dane as the love interest. I'm interested to see if I'm right.

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