Thursday, November 2, 2017

It Takes Two to Tangle


It Takes Two to Tangle - Theresa Romain

Henry is recently returned from war. Having suffered an injury, he is learning a "new normal." His has a devoted brother (Jem) and sister-in-law (Emily). Emily is friends with Caroline. Caroline happens to be the most popular in social circles, so Henry decides that he must court her to win Society back over. Frances, is Caroline's cousin and companion. 
Frances "gets" Henry and what he is going through. She also has lingering guilt over something she did when she was first married (I personally didn't think it was a big deal considering a woman's place in society). My issue with Frances is she let Henry think someone else was writing him letters for way too long. She had many, many chances to come clean- and didn't. 
Both characters are likable and "fit" together well. I really liked Caroline and look forward to her book.


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