Friday, September 22, 2017

Siren's Treasure


Siren's Treasure - Debbie Herbert

This is the second book in series and is Jet's story. Jet, feels like an outcast. Different from her sister Lily and her cousin Shelly, she is dark to their light. Jet was betrayed by her ex-boyfriend Perry. Perry is now out of prison and up to something. Landry is FBI and is investigating Perry. Jet is part of the investigation. The big question being, is Jet involved?
Somethings worked for me. Others didn't. In some ways, I liked this better then book 1 (Siren's Secret). In others, not.
The Awesome:
Jet is a fucking awesome! I liked her drive, compassion, athleticism, and even her insecurity. She uses her wish to find out her parentage (and it's not surprising). Landry was a decent character too. Lily and Shelly make appearances. 
The Not:
While I liked the paranormal in Landry's life, it was too much for the length of the story, IMO. Instead of April and the mermaid who saved him when he was a kid; pick one and focus on that one. Both were glossed over I thought. I thought the build-up to the end and the end just fizzled. Perry and Vargas could have been really good villains. 
I am known to overlook the lack of protection in a paranormal. (Contemporaries, in the other hand should have some type of discussion/mention). This one stuck out to me, because when they first got together, no mention was made. None. Then, at the end, it mentioned condom use and the fact that they hadn't used protection earlier. Oopsie! (And yes, you can assume something and you would be correct!). 
This also stuck out to me, and not in a good way. Lily, Shelly, and Adriana are all beautiful, blonde, light skinned, kind. The rest of the mermaids are described in similar ways. Except the Blue Clan. The Blues are described as dark and barbaric. Their skin is dark too (shades of blue). They are also the outcasts of the mer-world. Again, this is primarily from the beginning of the book when Jet is participating in the Mer world games (or something like it). No other page time was spent on it other then later on in the book in regards to Jet's parentage. 
I am still looking forward to Lily's story (even though I think she is my least favorite).
Also- the ISBN (9780373009336) from my book (that I'm holding in my hands) comes up for a COMPLETELY different book! Bride in Flight by Essie Summers published in 1965!

So, I used the Kindle edition.  That number is correct.  

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