Wednesday, September 6, 2017

(eARC) Misadventures of a City Girl


Misadventures of a City Girl (Misadventures Book 1) - Chelle Bliss, Meredith Wild

Madison, recently divorced from an upcoming Hollywood hotshot actor, decides to get away. She chooses a remote mountain retreat to lick her wounds. Luke, ex-SEAL, lives in a one bedroom cabin in the mountains by choice. She meets Luke while soaking in a hot spring by his cabin. Insta-lust happens. Later, they end up together in his cabin, stuck due to a snow storm. Even more insta-lust (I mean love!!) happens. I do like the trope of being trapped/forced proximity with someone (through weather, missed flight, whatever). They can know each other or be strangers, I've been able to get on board with either. 
I like sex in my books. That's no secret. But, I like sex with a plot. This was little plot and a whole lot of sex. For the most part, I didn't really like Luke or Madison. I thought the way Luke watched Madison was creepy. They do talk, a little, as the book progresses, so they were a little more believable as a couple by the end. I did think the way they comprised at the end was nice. More plot would have made this a better book. 
I did take quite a bit of the book to figure out what Madison did for a living (for the record, a make-up artist). Luke, conveniently, invested his money while in the military and inherited land. Afterwards, he lived simply (and no job). 

eARC courtesy of Waterhouse Press and NetGalley
Release date: Sept 12th

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