Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Darkest Highlander


Darkest Highlander - Donna Grant

This picks up right where Shadow Highlander left off. I got tired of Sonya's woe-is-me attitude because she believes her magic is gone. So, Sonya leaves the safety of the castle and runs away. Broc uses his ability to find her. The first half is slow, with the last half picking up more.
This is one of the weaker books for me. Part of it was Sonya's self-pity. Another is the majority of the other characters that I like are missing from most of the book. They make an appearance in the last quarter (approximately). Lastly, rather than an end, with the villain dead, since this is the last book in the series before the spin-off, Deirdre is still very much alive. I didn't like all the loose (IMO) ends. Having said that, I am interested in knowing where this is going. I peeked and know Logan's is the next story.
Sad about Duncan. Happy about Dunmore.


Using this for Man in a Kilt


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