Monday, February 27, 2017

Bound by Flames


Bound by Flames - Jeaniene Frost

Leila and Vlad are still figuring out their marriage. Vlad is still pulling Alpha-hole moves. The Big Bad is still alive. What could go wrong?
Plenty it turns out. Parts of this book were so much better than book 2, but other parts pissed me off. That's way this is the lowest rated JF book for me, right now. It turns out, Leila is kidnapped. Again. Just like in book 2. Even worse, she was tortured, etc. Leila just couldn't get a break. My only consolation was, she wasn't kidnapped because she did something stupid. So, see, progress!
I did like Gretchen more in this one. I didn't like her dad. I despise this in real like and on the page; I hate how character's choices (no matter how stupid or not) are taken away from them. You know, "for their own good." Leila's insecure, negative voice needs to take a hike too.
I still like the characters. The writing draws you in. I want a happy ending for Vlad and Leila. I'm a bit torn about the next book. Mainly because (from reading the synopsis) the plot is similar to previous (using their love for each other as a weapon). I plan on reading a few friends reviews first before buying. Or not. (But I probably still will buy and read it).

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