Monday, February 27, 2017

Bound by Flames


Bound by Flames - Jeaniene Frost

Leila and Vlad are still figuring out their marriage. Vlad is still pulling Alpha-hole moves. The Big Bad is still alive. What could go wrong?
Plenty it turns out. Parts of this book were so much better than book 2, but other parts pissed me off. That's way this is the lowest rated JF book for me, right now. It turns out, Leila is kidnapped. Again. Just like in book 2. Even worse, she was tortured, etc. Leila just couldn't get a break. My only consolation was, she wasn't kidnapped because she did something stupid. So, see, progress!
I did like Gretchen more in this one. I didn't like her dad. I despise this in real like and on the page; I hate how character's choices (no matter how stupid or not) are taken away from them. You know, "for their own good." Leila's insecure, negative voice needs to take a hike too.
I still like the characters. The writing draws you in. I want a happy ending for Vlad and Leila. I'm a bit torn about the next book. Mainly because (from reading the synopsis) the plot is similar to previous (using their love for each other as a weapon). I plan on reading a few friends reviews first before buying. Or not. (But I probably still will buy and read it).

Original post:

Friday, February 24, 2017

River Marked


River Marked - Patricia Briggs

Mercy and Adam, just married, go on their honeymoon. What could happen? Well, it turns out certain supernaturals encouraged this trip. There is a monster that lives in the river that it killing people. So, I think you can guess who is tasked with handling it.
I can't believe I'm giving this a 3. But, it was harder for me to get into. It was easy to put down and I got distracted easily. I really liked Mercy learning more about her heritage. These were the best parts of the book. What I missed, was the Pack. It was weird them being away from home. I am interested if some of the new characters make appearances in later books.
Still an awesome series.


I will use this for Free Space.  (Might change; I haven't updated my card.  Would work for Interracial Couple too)

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

A Simple Gift


A Simple Gift - Christine Pope

A nice story about Anika and Sarzhin's first Christmas. Anika's parents see Sarzhin for the first time. The parents didn't know anything about their daughter's relationship and this is a nice, little story where they find out. Anika also has a nice surprise for them.

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Breath of Life


Breath of Life - Christine Pope

Anika is a homesteader's daughter that is stuck on Lathvin. Lathvin is a planet that is currently being terra-formed to be an inhabited planet. There are multiple different types of aliens. One is the Zhore. They are secretive and not much is known. Sarzhin is a Zhore. Anika's father has an accident. Sarzhin wants Anika, so Anika decides to go and stay since her family can't afford a lawsuit. (Should he try to sue).
I would have liked more background information. Given the length, there wasn't much. I still enjoyed the story once I get involved. I wish Anika hadn't been so fixated on what Sarzhin looked like. Some sexy times would have been nice too. Overall, I was interested in the world and am curious. I am open to reading book 2 or book 3 (I have book 3; was a freebie at one time). I think this could be a series that could be okay to read out of order.


Using this for the fairy tale retelling square.

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Saturday, February 11, 2017

Come Away With Me


Come Away With Me (With Me in Seattle, #1) - Kristen Proby

Oh man, this opens with Nat taking pictures at the beach when a stranger suddenly approaches her and gets in her face. Luke demands Nat give him her camera. WTF? So, that inappropriate behavior gets a pass 'cause, like, Luke is soooooo hot. I was tempted to DNF this one, but this worked for a few challenges. Did I mention how hot Luke was?
All-in-all, not bad, not great. I'm not quite sure why this book is so popular, but to each her/his own:-) I thought Luke was insecure, possessive, and secretive. I had a hard time believing he was 28. For all his issues, he read so much younger. Nat, I liked a little better, she was much more open with Luke.
This is also told in first person (Natalie, Luke in the epilogue). It was okay, but I could have done with less play-by-play- "I lock up the studio and head into the house." "Baby" and "Honey" get way too much screen time.


Using this one for the secret billionaire square.  

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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Samhain Closing

I got this email today:
"Greetings, Samhain Readers.

It's with a heavy heart that we announce Samhain Publishing will be closing at the end of February. Due to the declining sales we’ve been experiencing with this changing market we’ve come to the sad conclusion it’s time to call it a day.
The last of our new titles launch February 21st; I hope you will check them out and support them as you have so many other Samhain titles through the years."
Our site will go dark at the end of the day, February 28th. Please take a few moments and visit, buy what you might have been planning on getting someday in the future, but download and back up your bookshelf because you won’t have access to it after February 28th.
Thank you for all your support through the eleven years we’ve been open. It’s been a pleasure to bring to market new voices in publishing and new works from familiar authors. From start to finish, we’ve always kept what the reader wants in mind and hope you enjoyed what we had to offer."

Original post:

Resisting Miss Merryweather


Resisting Miss Merryweather (Baleful Godmother Historical Romance Series ~ Book 2) - Emily Larkin

Barnaby slept with Marcus's first wife (deceased). Marcus has forgiven him, but Barnaby hasnt forgiven himself. Merry is a distant relation of Charlotte's. She is staying with Charlotte and Marcus.
I really liked Merry. Her name fits her. She has a way of saying the right thing and is very direct. Through her conversations with Barnaby, he is finally able to forgive himself. I loved Merry's choice of gift. Practical and useful.

eARC courtesy of Red Adept Publishing/Emily Larkin/NetGalley


I am using this for the Insta-love square.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Darkest Highlander


Darkest Highlander - Donna Grant

This picks up right where Shadow Highlander left off. I got tired of Sonya's woe-is-me attitude because she believes her magic is gone. So, Sonya leaves the safety of the castle and runs away. Broc uses his ability to find her. The first half is slow, with the last half picking up more.
This is one of the weaker books for me. Part of it was Sonya's self-pity. Another is the majority of the other characters that I like are missing from most of the book. They make an appearance in the last quarter (approximately). Lastly, rather than an end, with the villain dead, since this is the last book in the series before the spin-off, Deirdre is still very much alive. I didn't like all the loose (IMO) ends. Having said that, I am interested in knowing where this is going. I peeked and know Logan's is the next story.
Sad about Duncan. Happy about Dunmore.


Using this for Man in a Kilt


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Saturday, February 4, 2017

Sins & Needles


Sins & Needles  - Karina Halle

This might turn into more of a rant.  Curse words are involved.  You are warned.

Camden, a formerly awkward high school student who was bullied, had a huge crush on Ellie.  They used to be friends.  After her latest con, Ellie returns to her Uncle's to "start over."  She runs into Camden.  He decided to get revenge.

This had promise as a friends to enemies to friends/lovers story.  Ellie is also very Flawed.  A "bad girl."  There are tons of stories about "bad boys," so I was interested in reading one about a "bad girl."  Don't get me wrong, Camden is Flawed too.  I'm choosing to focus on Ellie since this is written with her narrative.

Ellie had a nasty childhood with parents who were also con artists.  She grew up in that lifestyle.  She also has acid poured on her leg as a result of one of her parent's failed cons.  They tried to con someone they shouldn't have and Ellie paid the price.  So, what does she do once she's out of high school?  Why, follow in her parent's footsteps and try to con the same person they did.  She ends up on the run from one of this person's henchman.  Ellie's childhood/leg get brought up so many times as an excuse.  Boo hoo hoo!!!  This (of course) equals the world owes her and she doesn't need to take responsibility for her actions and problems.  She has Reasons!!!  Bull-fucking-shit. I started out really not liking her.  I expected to grow to like her, even a little.  I would have settled for a little.  Because, as a reader, there are characters I start out not liking or caring about, and as I read more, I grow to like, understand, and/or care about them. They have redeeming qualities.  This ended (and that end is another story) with me still not liking her.   

A warning:  nothing is resolved at the end.  Nothing.  Will I read the next book?  Nope. I really don't give a flying fuck.  

I'm using this for the Key to My Heart square. 

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

To Tempt an Heiress


To Tempt an Heiress - Susanna Craig

Tempest, who recently lost her father stands to inherit his vast estate in Antigua. Too "protect" her, her plantation manager plots with Andrew (the ship's captain and the hero of this story) to "kidnap" her and take her to England. The goal is to keep her safe from suitors who won't take no for an answer.
I liked the setting (Antigua) and wish it stayed either there or on the ocean. I liked Tempest. She was a good character ahead of her time (feminist and anti-slavery). This had a great start. I lost interest in it when they got to England. I thought Tempest too easily gave up what was most important to her in the beginning (especially factoring travel times, I doubt she will ever be going back).
Andrew was okay. I found myself not having any strong feelings towards him. I didn't really like or dislike him.

eArc courtesy of Kensington Books (Lyrical Press) and NetGalley.


Using this for the Pirates square.

Original post:

Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...