Friday, September 13, 2024

Review: One Night with Cinderella

One Night with Cinderella One Night with Cinderella by Niobia Bryant
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Monica has worked as the Cress family housekeeper for 5 years. The Cress family (5 adult boys with the eldest married with a child and the patriarch and matriarch) is tight-knit and all live together in a huge NY home. She's had a huge crush on the middle brother, Gabe for years. He has never noticed her. Until now.
One night Monica and Gabe give in to passion and have a passionate one-time affair. Then nothing and they tiptoe around each other. It is only after Monica has a change in fortune do they get together- for real. Both characters are likable, Monica more so. I thought the family was very spoiled and I didn't care for some of them.
I did have some WTF moments. Monica does daily sheet changes on all the beds. Why? Do they wet the bed? Sweat profusely? In this day in age, that seemed such a ridiculous waste of water. Phillip's daughter spills her beverage. Okay, kids do that. Did the parent clean it up? Nope! Raquel (Phillips's wife) interrupted Monica doing her daily chores to clean it up. The Cress family is a family of chefs, but they have their own private chef (because they are too busy). I felt for Monica, it seemed like she was on 24/7.

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