Thursday, August 15, 2024

Review: Hidden Bodies

Hidden Bodies Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This opens up with Joe in a relationship with Amy.  He does the same stalkey things to her, except it's a bit harder since she isn't all that into social media.  It was funny what Amy did and Joe did not see that coming.  So of course, he decides he needs a change of scenery and follows her to LA.
He murders some more people that get in the way and falls for a girl named Love.  Yes, that's really her name!  She seems to be the perfect person for him; he confuses some of his past deeds and she seems to be okay with it.  She even helped him recover some evidence he left behind.
And I have to wonder what is wrong with me that I am so entertained about a psychopath and his life.  It's fitting what happens at the end and will be interesting what happens next.  

Prior to book 1 body count: 1 (Candice)
Book 1 body count: 3 (Peach, Benji, Beck).
Book 2 body count: 3 (Robin Fincher, Henderson, Delilah).  Attempted and failed: 1 (Forty)    
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