Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Review: Raw Power

Raw Power Raw Power by Jackie Ashenden
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Jack was medically discharged from the Marines.  He gets recruited to "11th Hour" a group of former veterans tasked with doing difficult jobs.  Only catch?  He has to complete a job first before he is officially part of the group.  He is not happy to find out his first job is to be bodyguard to a Senator's daughter, Callie.  Callie is not happy to have another bodyguard and makes their first meeting difficult.  
Jack believes Callie to be a spoiled rich bitch and calls her "Princess" their first meeting (and thereafter).  However, things aren't as they seem and it turns out Callie is not at all who he thought.  They share details of their past lives and Jack decided to help Callie.
This was a bit darker; both characters are victims of parental abuse.  I hated that Jack continued to call Callie "princess" despite her not caring for the name.  I wasn't too crazy about some of the sex scenes, they made me uncomfortable; they did not come off as romantic knowing both characters back stories.  When all was said and done, I was more curious about the 11th Hour and the mysterious Mr Night.  

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