Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Review: The Last Black Unicorn

The Last Black Unicorn The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I adore Tiffany Haddish as a comedian and an actress. If she is in it, I will watch it. This was hilarious at moments, more serious at others. It helps to understand the person she is now.
Audiobook, narrated by the author.

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Review: Gender Queer

Gender Queer Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Banned/challenged book time!
For the record, I am straight, born female and identify as a female. Regardless, I found identifying with Maia while e was growing up and going through puberty. I had a lot of the same struggles (not shaving and been made fun of, body odor, periods). Growing up is hard and I do think it is harder for some bodies. Either way, while each of us is a unique person with unique experiences that make us us, we are also more alike in many things that get overlooked. I thought this was excellent and Maia comes full circle.
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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Review: The Hacker

The Hacker The Hacker by Anna Hackett
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

In the previous book, Maggie (ex-Navy, she owns her own flight business and does work for Norcross) and Ace (the tech guru for Norcross) had a hot hookup at the ball.  They've had an attraction for awhile.  But, the hook-up has a complication.  Maggie gets pregnant.
Accidental pregnancy is one of my least favorite tropes.  Both Maggie and Ace appeared in previous books and I was happy to learn more about each one and get their story.  This does open for Vander's book (but isn't a cliffhanger like some the previous entries have been).  

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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Review: You

You You by Caroline Kepnes
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Holy shit what did I just read?
Told in 1st person- Joe.  
Joe works at a bookstore and a customer catches his eye.  So, he looks her up online and finds a lot of personal information.  Guinevere Beck, AKA Beck, has a proliferate online present.  She's on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc and posts about her life online. And while I could go on (and on) about social media and the addictions, the negative, but this book is about Joe.  And Joe's obsession with Beck.  She has no idea and thinks (at least at first) what a nice guy he is.  
Joe is obsessed.  He is a stalker.  He is a killer.  He is such a fucked up person.  Joe's narrative voice was surprisingly full of humor, both dark and snarky.  I don't think this would have worked had it been 3rd person.  

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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Review: What This Comedian Said Will Shock You

What This Comedian Said Will Shock You What This Comedian Said Will Shock You by Bill Maher
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Bill Maher's show is one show both my spouse and I watch together.  He is fun to watch and (usually) has good points about both sides of the aisle.  I don't always agree with him (and his positions on Israel and Trans issues are the most glaring places where I disagree with him).  Anyway, nice collection of commentary from the show over the last handful of seasons.   

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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Review: Making Up

Making Up Making Up by Lucy Parker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

We first met Trix (and Leo) in book 2- Pretty Face.  Trix was Lily's best friend and in book 2 she was in an emotionally abusive relationship with Dan.  She did break it off, and in this book is dealing with a lack of self confidence.  Trix is also an aerialist for a theater company whose stage show sounds very circus-like.  Leo is a make-up artist trying to save some face over a mishap on a previous project (it wasn't his fault, but he was blamed for it).   Leo joins the theater as a make-up artist.
Trix and Leo know each other growing up and through a series of miscommunications and immaturity became enemies.  But, there is an undercurrent there and maybe, just maybe they have things in common. Leo sees Trix for the awesome person she is, and she is able to eventually get some of her self-confidence back.  I liked that Leo goes after what he wants.  I enjoyed the interplay between them.  The epilogue was fantastic!

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Friday, July 12, 2024

Review: White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy

White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy by Tom Schaller
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I have many family members who live in rural communities. Most, not all of them, are fairly conservative and hold Trump with various degrees of reverence and admiration. Those with the most admiration and reverence are also the ones to believe in conspiracy theories (i.e the election was stolen, Jan 6th was ANTIFA, you get the picture). I've never been able to engage in a conversation/dialogue without it getting heated (and I know I can get defensive and I will freeze up and only later think of the things I could have/should have said). I suck at debating.
I thought this was well researched with the focus on the importance of understanding rural white issues and their reverence towards DT. It is depressing at the level of victimization many rural (White) people feel. It's sad that the level of "us vs them" is at an all time high.
I am worried about November. I do recommend this for those interested in politics.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Review: Raw Power

Raw Power Raw Power by Jackie Ashenden
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Jack was medically discharged from the Marines.  He gets recruited to "11th Hour" a group of former veterans tasked with doing difficult jobs.  Only catch?  He has to complete a job first before he is officially part of the group.  He is not happy to find out his first job is to be bodyguard to a Senator's daughter, Callie.  Callie is not happy to have another bodyguard and makes their first meeting difficult.  
Jack believes Callie to be a spoiled rich bitch and calls her "Princess" their first meeting (and thereafter).  However, things aren't as they seem and it turns out Callie is not at all who he thought.  They share details of their past lives and Jack decided to help Callie.
This was a bit darker; both characters are victims of parental abuse.  I hated that Jack continued to call Callie "princess" despite her not caring for the name.  I wasn't too crazy about some of the sex scenes, they made me uncomfortable; they did not come off as romantic knowing both characters back stories.  When all was said and done, I was more curious about the 11th Hour and the mysterious Mr Night.  

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Review: Defender Dragon

Defender Dragon Defender Dragon by Zoe Chant
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Lucas is the Crown Prince of Brandusa and is supposed to get married "for the good of the country." Reluca is his betrothed and is also unhappy about the betrothal. Both are dragons and hope to find their mate before the wedding; if one or both do, neither will have to marry each other.
For the past 5 years, Lucas has worked for Protection, Inc. He goes to Brandusa for the wedding. While at his betrothal party he meets his mate, having thought he would not find his mate in time.
Journey is backpacking across Europe and out of money is on her way back to the US and her small town in ND. They meet at the betrayal ball.
Insta-love (fated mate). There is kidnapping & torture (Lucas), betrayal, and a rescue (Journey) thrown in. Nice wrap-up with a HEA. And 2 thrown renouncements. I liked Reluca and how supportive she was of Lucas and Journey. Would not mind reading her story.
RBSB- Dragons

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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Review: Treyjon

Treyjon Treyjon by Ruby Lionsdrake
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This picks up where the first book left off. In book one, aliens have found (accidentally from the sound of it) Earth (Gaia). Bad thing is, these aliens were slavers who kidnapped humans, aliens and sell them. There is an alien race called the Zi'i that love the taste of human flesh, and these slavers assist them with procuring their preference of meat. Enter the Star Guardians. They are the intergalactic police force. They rescue and arrest the kidnappers. The first book was Orion (a bounty hunter working with the SG) and Juanita (one of the women).
This book is Angela (she worked at an animal shelter with dreams of becoming a dog trainer & had an unconventional upbringing) and Treyjon's (a SG whose speciality of training svenkars; think dog-like, but bigger and more lethal) story. The storyline progresses. There is an issue with returning to Earth. Some in the coalition do not want to make their presence known. There is also worry of other groups taking advantage of Earth's resources (in this case, the people).
Doesn't end in a cliffhanger per say, but does set up the next book which will be Tala (a doctor, turned animal volunteer) Sagitta (Sage) the Star Guardian captain.

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...