Sunday, February 25, 2024

Review: Tempest Rising

Tempest Rising Tempest Rising by Nicole Peeler
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Interesting concept; Jane is 1/2 human (dad) and 1/2 selkie (mom). Her mom appeared (and disappeared) during a stormy night. Jane was 6 when her mom disappeared. At the start of this book, Jane is 26 and has no idea what she is. She is also dealing with trauma from her past; her mother's disappearance, the death of her high school boyfriend that she blames herself for, and the judgmental small town that she lives in. Jane loves to swim in the ocean; no matter the time of year. She swims. Cold doesn't affect her.
I feel like I should have liked this more than I did. It's a good mix of supernatural creatures (you have goblins, gnomes, kelpies, vampires, etc). But I hated the town. I was indifferent to Jane. I wish Jane had been motivated to leave her shitty, judgemental town. Her dad was too dependent on Jane. I get he had heart issues. Issues that kept him from holding down a job, but he could still leave the home to hang with his friends. She did the cooking, cleaning. She even served him his food while he sat at the table. He was a grown ass man.
An average read, no desire to find out what happens next.

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