Thursday, January 18, 2024

Review: The Naked Duke

The Naked Duke The Naked Duke by Sally MacKenzie
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Oh my. This was going to be a solid 3* read, but then that happened.
Anyway, Sarah travels to England after her father dies, because that is what he wanted. He was the younger son of an Earl. So when she arrives and is offered a bed after not being able to sleep in a bed due to her traveling, she takes it. Unbeknownst to her, Robbie believes she is a prostitute and is setting her up with James, a duke. When James goes up to bed, he finds her sound asleep and unable to wake her, he decides to just sleep there too. Of course when the morning comes, James' relatives find them together. Robbie is now the earl and is Sarah's cousin and is good friends with James. James offers Sarah a place to stay as a companion to his sister Lizzie and his fiance. However, Sarah is unsure if she really wants to marry him. Oh, and his cousin Richard is trying to kill him so he can be the duke.
James was a fantastic hero; he's a sweetheart, romantic, and responsible. He knows he needs a wife and he and Sarah get along, so why not? I thought their love story was sweet. My complaint is at the end. I really do not think that was necessary nor was Sarah given any time to process things before James' magical penis cured all.

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