Monday, January 29, 2024

Review: When I Was Your Age: Life Lessons, Funny Stories & Questionable Parenting Advice from a Professional Clown

When I Was Your Age: Life Lessons, Funny Stories & Questionable Parenting Advice from a Professional Clown When I Was Your Age: Life Lessons, Funny Stories & Questionable Parenting Advice from a Professional Clown by Kenan Thompson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Kenan Thompson is a joy on SNL and one of my favorite cast members. This was so enjoyable and I liked hearing about things for his perspective. He talks about everything; growing up and growing up as a Black kid, racism as a child and adult, his daughters, and all that he has accomplished. He is very relatable.

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Review: Lady Be Good

Lady Be Good Lady Be Good by Meredith Duran
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lilah (Lily) is an ex-thief who grew up in Whitechapel. She and her sister had dreams of getting out of the life. When Fiona dies, Lily decides to do something. She learns how to speak differently and took a typing class. She now works as a hostess at an auction house. Her uncle, Nick, asks for one more favor. He needs her to steal some letters.
Christian is a viscount and veteran. He is also a war hero and has a poem about his exploits. He and his family are also under threat from the ex-Russian general who gave him his facial scar. This evil dude was most likely behind his older brother's murder.
Lilah (Lily) and Christian meet when he finds her taking some letters from the owner of the auction house. In order to keep it a secret and to get the letter back, she is enlisted to help Catherine (who is the rightful owner of the auction house- more in the next book about that) appraise and sell one of Christian's estates.
I really, really liked Lilah. She did what she could to survive and change her life. She and Christian have some fun and interesting interactions and gradually it turns into more. I also liked the (gradual) friendship between Catherine and Lilah. I look forward to Catherine's story next (and Lilah/Lily's Uncle Nick).
Props tp Lilah and Catherine for saving themselves.

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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Review: Talking Dirty with the CEO

Talking Dirty with the CEO Talking Dirty with the CEO by Jackie Ashenden
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Christie is a tech journalist and more comfortable online whether it's chatting, gaming, instead of in real life. Crowds make her nervous. She's assigned a dating article and so takes a chance to ask a guy out whom she was sending flirty, sexy chats with.
Joseph is the head of his own tech company. He's doing well for himself. He also has ADHD and at times gets obsessed with certain things and is forgetful of others. He also has to be doing something.
Anyway, they met and sparks flew. They have a memorable one night stand. Later, they meet again at a product launch. They hadn't shared names, so Christie is surprised to see the guy she can't stop thinking about is none other than Joseph Aston, the CEO.
Two nights become three, etc. It was nice that two geeky people "get" each other and fall for the other just as they are. Joseph gives Christie the courage to stand up to her non-supportive and be-littleing family. Christie helps Joseph realize that he is worthy of a relationship.
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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Review: Bad Feminist

Bad Feminist Bad Feminist by Roxane Gay
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Enjoyed the different viewpoints on feminism. This is a series of essays on various topics about multiple subjects (from things like scrabble, to her sexual assault and violence). Loved her take down of 50 Shades! Hilarious!

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Review: The Naked Duke

The Naked Duke The Naked Duke by Sally MacKenzie
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Oh my. This was going to be a solid 3* read, but then that happened.
Anyway, Sarah travels to England after her father dies, because that is what he wanted. He was the younger son of an Earl. So when she arrives and is offered a bed after not being able to sleep in a bed due to her traveling, she takes it. Unbeknownst to her, Robbie believes she is a prostitute and is setting her up with James, a duke. When James goes up to bed, he finds her sound asleep and unable to wake her, he decides to just sleep there too. Of course when the morning comes, James' relatives find them together. Robbie is now the earl and is Sarah's cousin and is good friends with James. James offers Sarah a place to stay as a companion to his sister Lizzie and his fiance. However, Sarah is unsure if she really wants to marry him. Oh, and his cousin Richard is trying to kill him so he can be the duke.
James was a fantastic hero; he's a sweetheart, romantic, and responsible. He knows he needs a wife and he and Sarah get along, so why not? I thought their love story was sweet. My complaint is at the end. I really do not think that was necessary nor was Sarah given any time to process things before James' magical penis cured all.

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Saturday, January 13, 2024

Review: MTG

MTG MTG by Marjorie Taylor Greene
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

Why? On a personal note, I have far right, Trump-loving, QAnon believing family members and I have to admit they confuse me. I checked this out from my library in the hopes that I would gain some insight into their way of thinking, better understand them, or something. I also find things as they stand sad. Depressing. Scary. Any number of negative emotions.
Full disclosure: Before picking this up, I thought MTG was a horrible person. After reading this? I still think that. I would also add she's a bully.
There are so many lies and falsehoods in this. Some are worse than others, but so. Many. Lies. It is astounding that anything can happen and my take-away can be 180 degrees different from others.

Jan 6, 2021: "I was terrified, thinking that the same people we saw on TV night after night attacking police offices had just breached the Capital." "The people who just walked through open doors are now being prosecuted...." Me: Um? What? People stormed the Capital intent (many with violent intentions) on overturning an election and that is what? Just fine?

Abortion: "The Democratic Party seems intent on destroying women's rights and killing unborn children up to the day of birth...." Me: Abortions are rare later in pregnancy and are usually done because the fetus has an abnormality incompatible with life/the mother's health is in jeopardy/because something couldn't be done earlier due to any combination of access/funding/etc. There are good reasons why it does occur later, but it's never done just because. These are decisions, deliberate decisions women make because it is right for them and their current existing families. Don't agree with abortion? That's fine. Don't have one. It could not be more simple than that. Don't. Have. One.

Transgender people: "The fact is there are plenty of girls and women already getting hurt while facing off against biological men." She goes on a rant and states other things about trans women that don't have sources listed and are things I haven't seen reported in the media. Me: Huh?

Trump's support of the military: "I'll never forget how he greeted the planes and coffins of America's sons and daughters when they came home. I understand that he greeted nearly every deceased service member when they returned home. Me: A quick google search on this will show that he did this 4 times and then stopped after he was criticized by a service member's family. Mike Pence did this for 2 years. Trump did not. Pence did.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine: "...but I don't see evidence of a continuing threat to Europe or Nato." Me: tell that to Sweden, Finland, Moldova, and Georgia. MTG seems to think it's because Russian was a primary language many Ukrainians used, they must want to join Russia.

Climate change: Natural disasters are more costly not because of climate change making storms more severe/etc, but because of inflation.

The 2022 election: "If the sentiment against the radical left were all it took, we would have had our red wave..." Me: people voting = bad. Making it easier to vote, whether it is mail-in voting, extending voting hours, etc = bad. Never mind the fact that Democrats have won the popular vote in 2000, 2008, 2012, 2016, and 2020. And winning the popular vote in 2000 and 2016 didn't win the presidency. So, gerrymandering = good. Voting restrictions = good.

I do think there are divides in this country. How bad they are varies on location. We also have to be able to TALK to each other without getting into screaming matches and we have to be able to compromise. You can't always get what you want, it can't be "my way or the highway." And at the end of the day FACTS should matter. They do matter.

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Review: Leslie F*cking Jones

Leslie F*cking Jones Leslie F*cking Jones by Leslie Jones
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

One of my favorite comedians. SNL is not quite the same within her. I enjoyed this look at her childhood to adulthood and all the struggles, learning that occurs during the time. I admire her for being vulnerable and admitting to things she did that were shitty and the things that she's proud of.
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Review: It Takes Two

It Takes Two It Takes Two by Jenny Holiday
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Wendy is Jane's best friend (Jane's story was book 1). Wendy has been in love with jane's brother Noah since she was a teenager. When he stood her up for prom (he took an extra work shift), she was deeply hurt and since then found ways to avoid him (by always being somewhere else, she was running). That all changes with Jane's wedding. Wendy is the maid of honor and Noah is a groomsmen.
I liked their chemistry. I enjoyed seeing where Jane and Cameron were in their relationship. Both Wendy and Noah come to revelations in this and they finally talk. I did think the ending was rushed and think an epilogue would have been nice. Gia's story is next.
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Sunday, January 7, 2024

Review: First Comes Like

First Comes Like First Comes Like by Alisha Rai
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Jia is a 29 year old beauty social media influencer. She lives with Katrina and Rhiannon. Dev is a Bollywood star who comes to the US for a fresh start after his brother dies and he becomes his niece's guardian. Unbeknownst to Dev, his brother (before he died) and cousin (after the brother's death) had been using his social media accounts to talk to Jia. So when Jia goes to a cast party to meet Dev, Dev has no idea who she is. But, he is taken with her and is curious about her. Later a photo comes out of them together, they decide to fake a relationship to appease Jia's family.
I enjoy the fake relationship trope. I liked that Jia was Muslim and there were many examples of that in this book (she prays in the AM, certain phrases). Dev's character is also fairly conservative. As a result, this book is much cleaner than previous AR books. The romance is a bit of a slower burn and they are more careful when they are together (minimal kissing, hugs, touching in general). I enjoyed Jia's closeness with both her biological and chosen families.
I did appreciate that this was written during Covid and both Jia and one of her sisters both got sick with the sister dealing with long Covid. Time will tell, but that may really date the book.
For Romanceopoly: "The Bar: Read a book where one of the main characters has a strong group of friends."
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Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Review: Right Place, Wrong Duke

Right Place, Wrong Duke Right Place, Wrong Duke by Elisa Braden
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Lucie and her family are to be evicted. She kidnapped the duke of Dingwall, the landowner. Or well, the person she thought was the duke.
Nice quick romance. A bit fast, everyone is likable (even if Lucie is a bit of a hot mess).

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Review: Undressing the Duke

Undressing the Duke Undressing the Duke by Erica Ridley
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Donovan has been in love with his valet Geoffrey for years. Not knowing if the attraction was reciprocated (and the fact that it was forbidden) he never acted on it. It's not until his mother forces him to consider getting married does he decide to "fire" Geoffrey. He felt it would be unfair to a future bride to be living with someone he loved that was not the bride.
He and Geoffrey go away to a "marriage" festival. And they talk and Donovan realizes the feelings are reciprocated. I liked the resolution; his mother and brother finally see him happy and want him to remain that way.

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Review: Her Duke at Midnight

Her Duke at Midnight Her Duke at Midnight by Christy Carlyle
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Cecily is ready to experience life again after a year of mourning. Her marriage was an unhappy one. She has no plans to marry again. She meets Adam at a holiday house party. Adam got the nickname "heartbreak duke" after one of his relationships ended badly. He doesn't want any romantic entanglements.
But they meet and sparks fly. They are drawn to each other. This was pretty fast, but I found myself liking both characters and not caring that this romance was so fast. (And the fact that Cecily had been with someone who was abusive to be okay in other relationship so fast).
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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...