Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Review: A Discovery of Witches

A Discovery of Witches A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Pleasantly surprised. There are a lot of people to keep track of. Nice idea of the paranormals (demons, witches, vampires) living amongst people undetected. Diana's "special-ness" did get a bit old, but did have an explanation (view spoiler). I did think Matthew's behavior bordered on stalker-ish and it's something I would have tolerated in a contemporary romance novel. That said, the romance is light in this one (IMO, when it's all said and done). This is long and I do think some things could have been edited out. (And I kept wondering why not werewolves too? But then, the book would have been longer and it didn't need to be!)
And it will be interesting how the Conventicle works against the Congregation. (view spoiler)
Sarah is Diana's aunt (mother's sister) and her partner is Emily. Marcus is Matthew's vampire son. Rebecca Bishop/Stephen Proctor were Diana's parents and were murdered. Baldwin is Matthew's vampire brother. Satu and Peter are witches. Agatha is a demon. Yesbeau is Matthew's vampire mother, Martha her housekeeper. Domenico and Gerbert are vampires.

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