Saturday, March 13, 2021

Review: Hard Rustler

Hard Rustler Hard Rustler by B.J. Daniels
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Annabelle is back in town to sell her grandma's house. 13 years ago she left her small town to pursue her dream. She had something happen and was blacklisted in her career (she was/is a model). Now, she is broke, not working. Dawson was her high school BF and she broke his heart when she left. Granted, he didn't say anything/do anything to talk her into staying.
Overall I did like this and the various points of view. I would have liked more suspense. Annabelle was also a hard person to like at first. She was snobby, but also a bit misunderstood. The reason why she got blacklisted was revealed and glossed over. Dawson was a bit angsty for a guy in his 30s. The wrap-up is a little fast and would have liked a bit more. Oh well. This was a nice, solid read.

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