Monday, November 16, 2020

Review: Dearest Rogue

Dearest Rogue Dearest Rogue by Elizabeth Hoyt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is Phoebe and James' (Captain Trevillion) story. Phoebe is Hero's (book 2) and Maximus's (book 6) sister. Phoebe has been gradually losing her sight since about the age of 12 and is now completely blind. As a result of both her disability and her brother's status, Maximus enlists a bodyguard to keep her safe. Enter James, who sustained a career ending injury after his horse (Cowslip) was shot from underneath him.
Someone is trying to kidnap Phoebe. Things happen and James takes her home; his own backstory is revealed. I do like Phoebe and James, but I was more intrigued by Eve and Val (Duke of Montgomery). I wondered about them and what their relationship was and am interested in their backstory. Luckily, Eve's story is next with Val's to follow.
(view spoiler)

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