Sunday, November 22, 2020

Review: Croc and the Fox

Croc and the Fox Croc and the Fox by Eve Langlais
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

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Review: Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover

Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover Never Judge a Lady by Her Cover by Sarah MacLean
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

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Review: Scandalous Ever After

Scandalous Ever After Scandalous Ever After by Theresa Romain
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Kate was widowed after her not-so-awesome husband fell off a horse and was kicked in the head accidentally. He also left her with debt and she is in danger of losing property to pay it off. She is reunited with Evan, one of her husband's close friends who become one her hers as well. He and Con (Kate's dead husband) had argued the day he died and she hasn't seen him in about 2 years.
I enjoyed the previous book and the prequel. This one was a letdown. This one was dry and hard to get into. Both Kate and Evan are difficult to connect with. This does get better about 1/2 through.
Evan has been in love with Kate for about 13 years and it took him forever to confess it. Same with Kate, it took her some time to realize she loved him too.
It's been awhile since I read the previous book and there was a blackmail plot in that one involving someone by the name Anne Jones (a former mistress of William Chandler). I don't remember the exact details anymore, but the same character factors into a plot-line in this one. There is also the revelation that Con may have been murdered and the smuggling of "ancient" artifacts. I think the mystery of the smuggling/murder could have been played up more. It got more interesting with this info. But, this is resolved very easily (a little too easily IMO). And after all that, Anne still gets away. So, maybe she will appear in Jonah's book too?

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Monday, November 16, 2020

Review: The Ruin of a Rake

The Ruin of a Rake The Ruin of a Rake by Cat Sebastian
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Julian and Courtenay both meet in the previous book. As a favor to his sister, Julian takes Courtenay under his wing to help repair his reputation. It appears there is a book out that is scandalous and people attribute to Lord Courtenay.
Things happen and people aren't quite what they appear. This was a satisfying read.

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Review: Dearest Rogue

Dearest Rogue Dearest Rogue by Elizabeth Hoyt
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is Phoebe and James' (Captain Trevillion) story. Phoebe is Hero's (book 2) and Maximus's (book 6) sister. Phoebe has been gradually losing her sight since about the age of 12 and is now completely blind. As a result of both her disability and her brother's status, Maximus enlists a bodyguard to keep her safe. Enter James, who sustained a career ending injury after his horse (Cowslip) was shot from underneath him.
Someone is trying to kidnap Phoebe. Things happen and James takes her home; his own backstory is revealed. I do like Phoebe and James, but I was more intrigued by Eve and Val (Duke of Montgomery). I wondered about them and what their relationship was and am interested in their backstory. Luckily, Eve's story is next with Val's to follow.
(view spoiler)

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Review: Bewitched, Bothered, and Biscotti

Bewitched, Bothered, and Biscotti Bewitched, Bothered, and Biscotti by Bailey Cates
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This takes place about 6 mo after the first book. Katie is settled in and is learning about the Craft. The bakery is doing well, and they had to hire another person to help- Cookie one of the coven members. The mystery starts right away with the discovery of a dead body while Katie is out on a picnic with Declan. Katie still has 2 guys (Declan and Steve) that are interested in her (and they hate each other).
Decent mystery. The love triangle appears to be resolved in this one (based on something Katie says at the end of this one). Steve's dad is an asshole. There is a new detective aware of the paranormal (Taite). We will see where Katie ends up next.

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...