Sunday, June 7, 2020

Serpent's Kiss


Serpent's Kiss - Thea Harrison

So, back in the previous book, Rune had pledged a favor to Carling in exchange for saving Tiago's life. Now, it's time for him to pay up.
Rune was an intriguing character from the previous books and I was looking forward to his story. Man, was it disappointing. I didn't particularly care for either character. Carling, the vampire (oops I mean vampyre!) was eh and Rune was pushy, bossy. The whole not trusting Dragos was stupid, weird, and didn't make any sense what-so-ever. This is someone that has been in Rune's life for centuries. Someone, that before all this, he trusted completely, and was partt of his family (for all intent and purpose). It didn't wash. Stupid Rune.
I also found this a bit boring and hard to really get into. The 1st book was good, the 2nd less so, and this one even less so. Not feeling #4 per the synopsis (although both characters (Grace and Khalil) were in this one and look to be interesting- but the last 2 were disappointing and were about characters I previously found interesting). I have too many books I *want* to read, and to read one I'm lukewarm about? Nah. I'm done.

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