Sunday, March 22, 2020

Hurts to Love You


Hurts to Love You: Forbidden Hearts - Alisha Rai

This wraps up the trilogy. Nicholas's sister, Evangeline gets her story. I liked reading about her and her ability to grow as the book progressed. I liked Gabe from the previous books and liked them together. Since this wrapped everything up- Nicholas and Livvy are getting married, there are secrets that come out, it was nice the see how everything wrapped up. And I loved the epilogue to see where everyone was a year later.
And Eve's paternity wasn't in question.


Gabe's dad was Robert, he had had a one night stand prior to meeting Tani. Maria and Robert were not having an affair. Maria was leaving Brendan. Livvy's pregnant. She has a girl.


I read this for Romance-opoly The Bar moon track

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