Saturday, December 14, 2019

We Need a Little Christmas


We Need A Little Christmas - Sierra Donovan

Liv's returned to her hometown for her grandma's memorial. She reconnects with Scott, a guy from her childhood. Her job is in Dallas and she hasn't been to her hometown for 4 yrs.
I liked the 1st book, but this didn't have that magic. It starts slowly and really never picks up. I admit to being a bit bored. I had a hard time understanding why Liv was gone for 4 yrs. She had a good relationship with her family. She didn't have a job that required lots of call or weird hours (she was a personal organizer). I thought it was strange. I just didn't "get" the romance between her and Scott. I did like the mystical aspect (the heater that would randomly quit and start working- even when off and the ornament).

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