Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Burn for You


Burn for You - J.T. Geissinger

Pleasantly surprised.  Jackson started out as a huge asshole.  But, I ended up really liking him by the end of the book.  I really liked Bianca and she didn't take any shit from Jackson.  This was a nice enemies to friends to lovers romance.  I would have liked more at the end; an epilogue would have been nice (I thought it was a bit abrupt).  Of note- the cover is wrong and made me scratch my head after I got done with the book.  (Bianca's darker skin and Creole heritage was mentioned multiple times).

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/2024059/burn-for-you

Monday, December 30, 2019

Married With Zombies


Married With Zombies - Jesse Petersen

Sarah and David are on the verge of divorce. Than an outbreak happens. They arrive to their therapy appointment and find their therapist eating the couple who had the appointment before theirs. Who then tries to eat them.
I needed this book (I was reading this while reading another book)! This was funny, but after awhile their bickering got on my nerves. I also really didn't understand why Sarah married David in the first place. By all accounts, she gave up things because he wanted to do things, but then didn't. And when she then wanted to do things, he didn't want her to, so she didn't. She was the breadwinner and he did ???? So, I had a hard time liking David.
Even so, it had a way of working out.


Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/2023283/married-with-zombies

The War for America's Soul


The War for America's Soul - Sebastian Gorka

I got this from my Trump loving mother and she asked that I read it with an open mind. I tried my best. It may or may not be more of a rant.
Dennis Prager wrote the introduction and one of the things he said bothered me (and I also think he is wrong). And that is this: "By definition, one does not love what or whom one seeks to fundamentally transform." He uses the example of a spouse who wants to "fundamentally transform" the other as an example. I think using that as an example misses the point (and if a spouse wanted to completely change the other- that's a problem, but if they have a smoking/alcohol problem, that's another- it's not black or white). I think loving the Country and wanting it to change with the times and be better is not wrong and the opposite- it shows the love of Country.
On to the book. How do I rate this damn thing? It was easy to read. This book didn't teach me anything new, it didn't enlighten me in any way. I don't feel smarter or more educated. I did learn Gorka's favorite Star Wars movie. And Fox news is awesome. Trump is awesome. The Left is trying to "poison" us. There was no Russian "collusion." The Russia investigation was a sham to investigate the Trump campaign and get dirt. The news media is "biased" and "fake." Obama had the "...most scandal-ridden eight years of any modern presidential administration." Does he back this up? He tries to: he uses the government shutdown and subsequent National Park closures (see Obama is against the Vets!), the IRS investigations (they were job doing their jobs!), and Benghazi (again) as examples. I did agree with him regarding the Obama administration's crackdown on whistle-blowers. No one is perfect and again, I think it's appropriate to point that out. I did vote for Obama and overall I think he did a good job. Did I always agree with his policies? Was he perfect? Nope and Nope.
This is his opinion on on the Russia investigation and Mueller Report: "In the two years that followed, Mueller tried everything to get dirt on Trump, and in doing so destroyed several people's lives." I find that opinion concerning. Has he read it? If he did, I'm so confused at how one can arrive at that conclusion.
Steve Bannon is "misunderstood." The Liberals have a "culture war" against the middle class (I read it as the white middle class- full disclosure- I am white middle class). I laughed out loud at this one: "Who better to restore it (economic opportunity) than a patriotic, populist businessman who spoke the language of working people and understood their problems?" Wow. Someone who inherited his daddy's money, won't release his tax returns, and uses the Presidency for personal and family gain?
Gorka also seems to believe that socialism = communism. It certainly read that way several times in this book.
I did learn Gorka has a daughter who is a college grad (with honors- good for her!). But, he bitches during the ceremony about one of the speakers who spoke about sexism in this country. Doesn't she know how good she has it?! Why not focus on other countries where it's a REAL problem?! He describes her as "ignorant and close minded" and "brainwashed" because she didn't talk about any other country but the US.
I *still* think Trump is a racist, sexist fucking asshole.
I not saying the Left is perfect and haven't done things wrong or made missteps. An example: Anti-Fa scares and worries me. I understand their message- but they are going about it completely wrong. I am a Pacifist and violence/property damage isn't the answer.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/2023279/the-war-for-america-s-soul

Friday, December 27, 2019

Reading progress update: I've read 1 out of 223 pages.

The War for America's Soul - Sebastian Gorka

Got this from my Trump loving mother for Christmas and she asked that I read it (with an open mind). So I am. Or trying. Review to come whenever I get done.  I figured only fair since I got her a years subscription to Mother Jones.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/2021723/reading-progress-update-i-ve-read-1-out-of-223-pages

A Second Chance Road Trip for Christmas


A Second Chance Road Trip for Christmas - Jackie Lau

This was just what I needed. Tasha and Greg started dating when they were 16 and dated for 3 years before breaking up. They were both in college- different schools and that needed to be the focus. They each both wanted to experience life. Fast forward 15 years and they are both single at 34.
I liked Greg from book 1 and wanted to read his story. This was short, but worked since you get enough information from their past relationship (Valentine's, candy bar, snow fort, necklace). The "Herbie and Ethel" moment was hilarious. Then there was the Wong family; Ah Ma and Mrs Wong (I don't think we ever learn what her name is) and their matchmaking.
I like the 'forced proximity" trope since it forces conversation (and the revelations it usually shows).
Pre-ordered Zack's story (Chinese New Year).

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/2021644/a-second-chance-road-trip-for-christmas

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Joy to the Worlds


Joy to the Worlds - Gayle Clemans, Raven Oak, Maia Chance, Ernest G Clemans, Janine A. Southard

This anthology had a nice mix of genres.  I liked the introduction at the beginning of each and the end note by the author.  The best for me were- Escape From Yorktown and Ol' St Nick.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/2020759/joy-to-the-worlds

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas in a Cowboy's Arms


Christmas in a Cowboy's Arms - Amy Sandas, Linda Broday, Anna Schmidt, Margaret Brownley, Leigh Greenwood, Rosanne Bittner

Like all anthologies, some stories grab you and others really don't.  This has a few I had no interest in, others that were just okay, and one I really liked.  A Christmas Reunion (Amy Sandas) was definitely the best.  I liked this 2nd chance story about a couple that (unbeknownst to them) were lied to and spent about 7 years apart, angry and hurt.  They meet again purely by chance (and luck).  The truth came out and hopefully they have their HEA now. 

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/2019845/christmas-in-a-cowboy-s-arms

A Kilted Christmas Wish


A Kilted Christmas Wish - Eliza Knight

This fell flat for me.  I didn't believe Darla and Aaron's romance.  Aaron lost his fiance approx 4 months ago.  He moved to NY for change of scenery (and he conveniently had a nice job- his dad was retiring and he is taking over).  Here is why the romance just didn't work for me: 


Aaron's fiance was in a car accident and was in a coma/vegetative state for "weeks."  Aaron wanted her kept alive.  Megan's parents wanted life support withdrawn.  After a protracted fight, her parents won and life support was removed.  This story had him falling in love and proposing within 1 month after meeting Darla.  I felt this was too soon.  If it had been a year or so, no problem.  But 4 months?  Nah.


Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/2019844/a-kilted-christmas-wish

Tuesday, December 24, 2019



Perfect - Autumn Jordon

This was a cute story. Dylan is a maple tree farmer (and painter) who is looking after his nieces while his brother and sister-in-law are deployed overseas. Darcy is visiting a friend after her restaurant burns down. The attraction is instant and quick. I was pleasantly surprised and thought the pacing was decent. There were a few formatting issues that took me out of the story. Both characters are like-able and I thought the romance/attraction was believable. No on page sexy times, kissing only.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/2019333/perfect

Monday, December 23, 2019

Covert Cougar Christmas


Covert Cougar Christmas - Terry Spear

Travis is a cougar who works for a special forces like division that polices rogue cougars. He is in process of moving to another state. He saw some packing boxes he was going to take and got caught. Bridget, a new agent, saves him. They team up and solve the case (and of course falling for each other). This was insta-love, but I found I really didn't care all that much. I liked the characters and the pacing. And I liked that Bridget saved Travis.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/2018436/covert-cougar-christmas

Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...