Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Single Undead Moms Club


The Single Undead Moms Club - Molly Harper

Libby decided to turn into a vampire to be able to be there for her son as her grows up. She had cancer and it wasn't responding to treatment. This had the typical MH humor/snark that her books have. However, it was a bit more serious with a young child and a custody battle in the mix.
I enjoyed Jane and Dick's involvement and their role as representatives of the council. Nola and Jed made a brief appearance (hint it has to do with a birthday party Sasquatch hunt). I did like Wade and his son. I enjoyed the interplay between the characters.
There is a love triangle (which I generally don't like), but I felt it get resolved pretty easily. Libby's relationship with a certain someone named Max got glossed over and I felt it either needed more attention or should have just not been in the story.

Halloween Bingo: vampires

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1975252/the-single-undead-moms-club

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