Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Calling It


Calling It - Jen Doyle

Nate is a baseball player from a small town that has had a rough patch. He found out his fiance was cheating on him and he got into a severe car accident that could have ended his career. He though he did nothing wrong to cause the accident there is speculation he did, so he takes off to crash in his town to be with family.
Dorie (Lucinda) is the youngest with 6 older brothers. She took a job as the town librarian and gets to (essentially) start from scratch re-building the towns library that was harmed by recent weather (and neglect). Unbeknownst to Nate, his sister has rented his apt to Dorie.
They meet and things take off from there. I enjoyed the secondary characters, Nate's family/friends, Dories family/friends. I liked that Nate make mistakes and I felt he owned up to them (regarding family and not having much contact for a few years). While I understood Dorie's reluctance and fear, it did get old. I did find I had a hard time putting this down and was thoroughly entertained and invested in the story.


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Saturday, October 26, 2019

His Dark Kiss


His Dark Kiss - Eve Silver

Emma is a sheltered orphan who takes a job as a governess to a young boy. She is desperate to escape her aunts her plan to sell her to the highest bidder (they see her as less because she is illegitimate). Lord Anthony Craven is a doctor and also happens to be dark and broody (this is a gothic after all). It's rumored dark things happen in the tower and he is a murderer.
I really liked the gothic atmosphere, but the whole tower plot (there is death in the tower!) was so meh. A simple conversation regarding the tower and all question/conflict would have been fixed. I really, really wish there was more focus on the mystery, because that was a good plot-line. It could have been explored much more and wasn't because of the (dark) tower.
I also didn't quite get on board with the romance in this one. Emma was focused on the suspicions of possible murder, but look how attractive he is! Anthony was frustrating due to his woe-is-me attitude. Yes, you lost a patient. That's sad, but you are a doctor and shit happens. Get over it please.
First book was better.


Anthony researches diseases caused by bacteria. Since the last 2 governesses died because of curiosity regarding the tower, you'd think more info would be shared up front. But no! 


Halloween Bingo: Gothic square

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Silent Bite

Silent Bite: A Scanguards Wedding (1001 Dark Nights) - Tina Folsom

With the 1001 Dark Night series of novella's I can get introduced to something new to me that either works, or in this case doesn't. This is my first foray into this series (and author) and I admit to being a little lost in regards to the "world" and characters. This is Ursula and Oliver's wedding (who met in a previous book). I did like the attention to Chinese wedding customs (an unlucky # of bridesmaids so most get more! to an unlucky birth date, to the wrong color of flowers). This was both interesting and aggravating. However, I found I really didn't care about either character or the vampire security firm.

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Captured in Surrender


Captured in Surrender - Liliana Hart

Naya and Lane met a year prior when Naya's brother came to town. She followed the brother to take him back with her so he could go to trial. Naya is an ex-cop turned bounty hunter. Lane is ex-military turned small town cop. Even though I hadn't read any of the previous books in this series, I didn't need to. There was enough here that I was able to jump right in. I liked both Naya and Lane, there's conversation (and hot sex) with the right amount of conflict.

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A Million Shadows


A Million Shadows - Cecilia Dominic

This had a unique take on werewolves with CLS (chronic lycanthropy syndrome) which was more of a behavioral disorder with the possibility of changing into a wolf. One can be born with it or contract it (for example a contaminated shot). While the idea was unique and interesting, I really didn't like Kyra. Kyra is a bitter bitch who contracted CLS and IT RUINED HER LIFE!! Did you know it ruined her life? I had a hard time getting into this one.
Halloween Bingo- Halloween square (takes place during Halloween)


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Dewey's Opening Survey

1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?

Boise, Idaho

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?

I don't have one right now.  I would like to really get some reading done.

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?

Again, read, read, read!  Will be taking a break mid-morning to head to our local Farmer's Market.  Will be getting mushrooms, fresh bread, hummus, and whatever else looks good.  Should have gotten the hummus last week, but didn't.

4) Tell us a little something about yourself!

I ended a job and start a new one on Monday!

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?

The first- read more.  I never read as much I want to/feel I should

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Friday, October 25, 2019

Lady of Devices


Lady of Devices - Shelley Adina

This was a nice story about 17 yo Claire. Even though the world in which she lives is steam powered (airships, trains, etc) she is still constrained by being a woman. And everyone knows a woman's sole purpose is to get married, have kids, and make the menfolk's lives as nice as can be. She was the daughter of a viscount until her father's death (and now the sister to). She goes from having a roof over her head and other comforts to having nothing.
While I liked Claire, I was also annoyed with her for (IMO) her judgmental attitude towards the street children. Yes, she did take them under her wing and was teaching them how to read and write. But, she judged them for stealing (to survive). I thought it was hypocritical considering she was playing on making and selling her "devices" (and those devices I'm sure would not be used for innocuous purposes).

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Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Crimson Twilight


Crimson Twilight - Heather Graham

Having not read any of the Krewe of Hunters books before, I am happy to say I didn't feel like I was missing anything. There is enough of an introduction at the beginning to introduce who the Krewe are. I like the idea of an unit of law enforcement who have "certain" abilities.
Jane and Sloan rented a castle for their wedding. They find their minister dead at the bottom of the stairs. This was a nicely paced who done it. I am curious enough about the series that I might check it out.

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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Game On


Game On - Tracy Solheim

Shane is a quarterback in need of a team. Carly is an assistant to the Blaze, a team that gives Shane a second chance. It seems Shane is a bit too wild in his personal life (or so the tabloids say). Carly has had her own issues with the tabloids too. Oh, and the daddy issues both if them have.
I was pleasantly surprised I liked this one as much as I did. I thought with each character's issues I would have wanted to slap them both. Carly is the more mature one. I didn't like Shane's attitude when it came to his brother. I thought he was mean. However, throw in a supportive family, friends, and a crazy stalker and it all turns out!
* next book is Julianne's (Carly's best friend) and I don't think I will be reading since it contains a trope that pisses me off (one night stand, unplanned *secret* pregnancy with no plans to tell the baby daddy). Nope!
Romanceopoly Mystery Square- sports romance with football or hockey

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The Single Undead Moms Club


The Single Undead Moms Club - Molly Harper

Libby decided to turn into a vampire to be able to be there for her son as her grows up. She had cancer and it wasn't responding to treatment. This had the typical MH humor/snark that her books have. However, it was a bit more serious with a young child and a custody battle in the mix.
I enjoyed Jane and Dick's involvement and their role as representatives of the council. Nola and Jed made a brief appearance (hint it has to do with a birthday party Sasquatch hunt). I did like Wade and his son. I enjoyed the interplay between the characters.
There is a love triangle (which I generally don't like), but I felt it get resolved pretty easily. Libby's relationship with a certain someone named Max got glossed over and I felt it either needed more attention or should have just not been in the story.

Halloween Bingo: vampires

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Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Mueller Report (only took the whole summer!)


The Mueller Report - The Washington Post

I bought this particular copy/edition because of the extra materials. There is a handy timeline, listing of people, glossary, the documents, and commentary (lots of it). All of it helpful and knowledgeable. This is split in 2 parts. Volume 1 focuses on Russia. Volume 2 is more about Trump and his actions.
My takeaway? From my paying attention to news reports while this was ongoing, to the indictments, interviews that were made public, this really didn't change the opinion I already had and what I already knew.
This will come as a shock to you if you've been paying attention to the news. I mean it! It will shock you! The Russian government interfered in the 2016 election. The scope and depth Russia went to was eye-opening. And they are poised to do (and are currently doing) the same thing in 2020. Are the GOP and the Trump administration taking this seriously? That would be a fuck no! Mitch McConnell (the Senate Majority leader for those that don't know) has refused to consider and has blocked bills to help make our elections safer from foreign interference. Making it harder for Americans to vote is always on the table (because of course it is). Regardless of your political persuasion, having an election free of foreign interference, and where every registered voter can vote (should they choose to), should be something every *patriotic* American wants and strives for. And you know what? If you don't agree with the prior sentence, you are not patriotic. You are a traitor. McConnell and many of the GOP have shown they really don't care. And that SHOULD MATTER!
"I'm fucked." That was Trump's reaction when he learned about the special counsel. That's exactly the reaction an innocent individual would have, right? It's very hard for me to believe in his innocence when he was surrounded by shady, horrible people. People he chose by the way. Then, there were his actions. From firing certain individuals, to asking government agencies to dispel the notion that there was an investigation going on, criticizing the investigation and Mueller at every opportunity, attempting to stop the investigation, his lawyers asking for a "heads up" in regards to developments, declining to be interviewed directly and in person, do I seriously need to keep going?
Trump never was interviewed in person and directly. There were numerous attempts to interview Trump. Many. It was even offered to limit the topics/questions. Instead he answered several written questions. In summary, many of his answers were something along the line of "I do not recall."
I think Mueller was very careful and concise in his investigation. The decision early on that a sitting president couldn't be indicated did play a huge roll in this investigation and the resultant outcome(s). I was almost done with this when Ukraine and the multitude of revelations made happened. This is still an ongoing news story.
I will end this with this quote from The Mueller Report:
"Because we determined not to make a traditional prosecutorial judgement, we did not draw ultimate conclusions about the President's conduct. The evidence we obtained about the President's actions and intent presents difficult issues that would need to be resolved if we were making a traditional prosecutorial judgement. At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigations of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstructions of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgement. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."
Who still thinks Trump is a victim and innocent?


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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...