Sunday, September 29, 2019

Darkest London


Winterblaze - Kristen Callihan

I really enjoyed the previous 2 books. Poppy and Winston were present in the first 2 books, having come across as a happily married (and a bit boring) couple. From previous books, I really didn't have much of an opinion of Poppy. Winston, I thought, was given more personality and had more to do; and I admit I liked him more.
Then, I read this one. After the events of the previous book, Winston knows about supes and about Poppy. He's also pissed that she never told him. So, rather then talking about it and hashing it out, he leaves. This opens with their separation with flashbacks to when they met/courting.
I really thought I got to know Poppy in this one. Yes, she's made mistakes, but she's owned them. I thought she was take charge and pretty kick ass in this one. I am a Poppy fan! Winston on the other hand, had a Secret of his own. I didn't like him much. He constantly threw Poppy's mistake in her face (even though she owned it and I understood why it was a secret). Poppy was quick to forgive Winston for his (and helped him solve it). Winston was just as ass about it. They do get their shit together (or I should say Winston gets his shit together) eventually.
Revelations in this one: All about family.
I did enjoy Mary and Jack's bits in this and look forward to their story.

Halloween Bingo:

Darkest London

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