Sunday, September 29, 2019

Darkest London


Winterblaze - Kristen Callihan

I really enjoyed the previous 2 books. Poppy and Winston were present in the first 2 books, having come across as a happily married (and a bit boring) couple. From previous books, I really didn't have much of an opinion of Poppy. Winston, I thought, was given more personality and had more to do; and I admit I liked him more.
Then, I read this one. After the events of the previous book, Winston knows about supes and about Poppy. He's also pissed that she never told him. So, rather then talking about it and hashing it out, he leaves. This opens with their separation with flashbacks to when they met/courting.
I really thought I got to know Poppy in this one. Yes, she's made mistakes, but she's owned them. I thought she was take charge and pretty kick ass in this one. I am a Poppy fan! Winston on the other hand, had a Secret of his own. I didn't like him much. He constantly threw Poppy's mistake in her face (even though she owned it and I understood why it was a secret). Poppy was quick to forgive Winston for his (and helped him solve it). Winston was just as ass about it. They do get their shit together (or I should say Winston gets his shit together) eventually.
Revelations in this one: All about family.
I did enjoy Mary and Jack's bits in this and look forward to their story.

Halloween Bingo:

Darkest London

Original post:

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

World After


World After  - Susan Ee

I read the first book around 5 years ago and loved it. Having read this, I know why it took me 5 years to pick up the sequel. This had a lot to live up to and I was disappointed.
I thought the start was slow and it took me a long time to get into this. It did pick up about 2/3 of the way through, but too late for me. The plot is similar to the first (Penryn has to find Paige/things happen) but minus Raffe (for a good chunk).

Booklikes Halloween Bingo: Doomsday


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Friday, September 20, 2019

It Takes Two to Tumble


It Takes Two to Tumble: Seducing the Sedgwicks - Cat Sebastian

Phillip is a ship's captain and has spent most of his time at sea. He is efficient and knows his job. Get him on land and he is uncomfortable. He has 3 children that he barely knows. Ben was raised by free-spirited and unconventional parents. He is the vicar (but pleasantly an open minded one) and craves structure.
I thought both Ben and Phillip complimented each other. I liked their communication with each other. I would have liked a little more on Phillip's relationship with his kids. I did like how Phillip recognized his son's reading difficulty and acknowledged his own. I'm glad Alice had a little bit of a story-line and I assume a HEA.

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Saturday, September 14, 2019

Treasure Me


Treasure Me - Robyn DeHart

Vanessa dreams of being a scientist and is set to marry a follow scientist. One who will let her do her work and be a friend. Until she finds him with her sister. Graeme is a treasure hunter/explorer for Solomon's. He hunts antiquities and Solomon's protects them.
This had a good start and was on track to be the best book in this series. However, I thought Vanessa goals/dreams got lost. She helps Graeme on his quest to find the Stone of Destiny/Kingmaker. I liked how he accepted her and fell in love with her just as she was. But at the end I felt Vanessa pretty much gave up on her dream of being a scientist/paleontologist to just be Graeme's wife. Now, I'm not saying it's wrong to want to do that, but I felt it was a let down. I also thought the ending was a little rushed and thought The Raven's end was too easy.


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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Real Men Howl


Real Men Howl - Marina Maddix, Celia Kyle

Lucy's parents were murdered in front of her. She leaves her small town due to the memories and makes a life somewhere else. After she is falsely accused of theft, she returns to her small town where she has her parent's house. Mason is the alpha of the local werewolf pack. He is on the verge of going feral and needs to find his mate stat. (If you want to take a guess who that mate is- you would be right!).
I did like this more then I thought I would. I liked Lucy's selflessness in rescuing the little boy. I also liked that she wouldn't put up with shit from Mason. Overall, she's pretty kickass. I did like the closure she got: regarding her parents murder. I would have liked for the whole thing with her false accusation to have been resolved as well (she was jobless during the course of the book).
Who needs a job when you have a man to take care of you? Girl power! (eye roll).
Booklikes Halloween Bingo: Full Moon square

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Ice Planet Barbarians


Ice Planet Barbarians: The Complete Series: A SciFi Alien Serial Romance - Ruby Dixon

Georgie is kidnapped by aliens as she is sleeping. She befriends a bunch of other women on the ship in the same situation as she. Then the ship crash lands on an ice planet, stranding them. Vektal is blue, has a tail, and has ridges over his body (and of course in the "right" places, haha). He and his brethren have taken in a parasite (for lack of a better word) to ensure their survival. Without it and the modifications it makes, one would die within about a week.
Interesting and I liked the writing. There is a rape scene, but it was short and was not gratuitous (IMO). Not crazy about the whole mating thing/unilateral decision making though. The language issue was easily solved. Probably won't read the rest.
Booklikes Halloween Bingo- using one of my Transfiguration Spells to change Serial/Spree Killer square to the Aliens square.

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What Happens in Summer


What Happens in Summer - Caridad Piñeiro

Part of Connie's story takes place at the same time as Maggie's (book 1). And yes, I was right.
Connie and Jon fell in love one summer while both were in college. Differences led to their breakup. This being romancelandia, neither quite forgot the other and the flame still burns. They re-connect years later. Jon is a successful inventor and Connie a successful lawyer.
While I did like this and was invested in the story, I felt for 2 adults (mid-late twenties) this was way too angsty. I lost track of my eye rolls. But, they both did get their shit together for a HEA. Finally.

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Charmed and Dangerous


Charmed and Dangerous: An Appalachian Magic Novel (Appalachian Magic Series Book 1) - Debbie Herbert

Callie is a witch with an evil father. Her mom sends her away to live with other family. She comes back home months before her 20th birthday. She is supposed to come into "great" powers when she turns 20. James is an immortal who was "born" into his immortality in 1865 after he was killed. No explanation (his father and brothers died in the war, his mom also died before the war's end and they weren't reborn as immortals- so must not be genetic). He and Callie are drawn to each other (because of course they are).
This was way too insta-love for me. Callie told James she loved him in chapter 5. I did like the writing, but this was way too YA for me (IMO, it read very YA). Callie and friends are attending a local junior college before transferring to a larger university. I swear they were in high school- lockers, lunch hour with awful cafeteria food, announcements overhead on the PA, etc
I did like the last 1/3 or so; the pace picked up and the ending was decent. It was too little too late for me; not interested in reading Skye's book.
Booklikes Halloween Bingo: Spellbound

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Monday, September 2, 2019

Believe It or Not


Believe It or Not - Tawna Fenske

Violet is an account who left home when she got the chance.  She moved from Portland, OR to Portland, ME.  Her mother is Moonbeam, psychic and into anything alternative.  She is back home to help her mom out after she falls and breaks a few bones.  Drew owns the bar next door.  His bar also happens to have (male) exotic dancing for a few night a week.

This was a fun story of opposites attract.  I liked Violet's knowledge of trivia and recognition of various songs Drew would play which would cause her to blurt out things during reading that were true.  I liked Drew's attraction to Violet, even though she was similar to his ex-wife (and what he didn't think he needed).

I did think the ending was a rushed and abrupt and an epilogue would have helped. 

Halloween Bingo:  Magical Realism square 

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...