Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Pursuit of Mrs Pennyworth


The Pursuit of Mrs. Pennyworth - Callie Hutton

Charlotte was a companion to Lady Barton. Accused and threatened for something she did not do, she fled. Eighteen months later Charlotte is a widow and enjoying her freedom. Until someone leaves unwelcome and threatening things on her doorstep. She seeks the help of a lawyer/private investigator, Elliot. 
Elliot used to work the the Scotland Yard. He had some things happen and now distrusts all women. Yes, all women. "Women are not to be trusted..." Now he is a lawyer and private investigator. He agrees to take one her case, but knows she is hiding something.
An interesting mystery. It was a bit out of left field I thought. There are enough hints dropped that the individual is guessed. Nothing more is made of it and I found myself more interested in the villain and wondering about the woman who was murdered. 
But back to Charlotte and Elliot. While I liked Charlotte as a character, I can't say the same for Elliot. I understand why Charlotte never confessed her secret. The moment her secret came to light Elliot turned his back on her and that was unforgivable for me. But, this being a romance book, you can (correctly) assume/guess that he is forgiven. Before that I was lukewarm about the romance. And after that? No fucking way.

eARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing, LLC and NetGalley
Published on March 26th

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