Monday, March 19, 2018

eARC: Toxic Desire (Released today)


Toxic Desire - Robin Lovett

Nem (Nemona) crash lands on a planet with Oten. That planet happens to be Fyrian. Oten has a history with humans and hates them. I thought with a good reason (they killed many of his kind/species). Together they have to survive on this planet. Except, this planet has an aphrodisiac atmosphere from the flora and fauna. I thought this sounded interesting.
I was disappointed. There's sex. Lots of it. It felt forced with two people who otherwise wouldn't be together. Or even want to be together. I didn't think there was much romance when it was all said and done. 

eARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing, LLC and NetGalley
Publishes on March 19th


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