Saturday, March 31, 2018

Touch of the Demon


Touch of the Demon - Diana Rowland

This picks up right where the cliffhanger that was book 4 (Sins of the Demon) left off. Kara has been summoned to the demon realm by Mzatal. She's unbalanced and needs to figure things out quickly.
I had a harder time with this one than I thought I would. What I enjoyed about the previous 4 books was the paranormal police procedural. And Jill, Tessa, Eilahn, Zack, and Ryan. That is not this book, at all. Kara's friends make an appearance at the end. 
The first half of the world is definitely more world building, demon realm 101. It was both dry and interesting, but I found my attention drifting and would put the book down to read later. It picked up about the halfway through. Answers abound in this one. Kara does some stupid things (and I was disappointed, but oh well). Overall, this lacked the enjoyment for me. Enough so that I may or not may read the next. I haven't decided.

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Magic Steals


Magic Steals -  Ilona Andrews

This was a nice story about Dali and Jim. Jim got to see more of what Dali can do. This was good, but Dali's lack of confidence, while I understood it (to a point), got annoying. Talk! I liked their interactions. I also like the dynamic with Dali's family too.

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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Do You Want to Start a Scandal


Do You Want to Start a Scandal (Castles Ever After) - Tessa Dare

What a delightful book! I FINALLY got Charlotte Highwood's story and thankfully it didn't disappoint. I enjoyed the (brief) appearances of Diana and Aaron and Minerva and Colin. Charlotte was an awesome heroine. She's inquisitive, intelligent, and good at reading people. Piers was the perfect person for her. Even though she says it first, I really liked that Piers was the first to "fall." The "mystery" was refreshing, and funny. 
The only thing I didn't like: Charlotte is a slob, I didn't quite understand how someone could be so very messy.

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My Horizontal Life


My Horizontal Life: A Collection of One-Night Stands - Chelsea Handler

I do like Chelsea Handler. I think she's funny. This had is moments. Laugh out loud hilarious moments. Then there were the moments I thought to myself, how shallow is she? I appreciated how open she is, but at the same time, I thought she was very judgmental at others times too. Was disappointed that this audiobook is NOT narrated by the author.

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Monday, March 19, 2018

eARC: Toxic Desire (Released today)


Toxic Desire - Robin Lovett

Nem (Nemona) crash lands on a planet with Oten. That planet happens to be Fyrian. Oten has a history with humans and hates them. I thought with a good reason (they killed many of his kind/species). Together they have to survive on this planet. Except, this planet has an aphrodisiac atmosphere from the flora and fauna. I thought this sounded interesting.
I was disappointed. There's sex. Lots of it. It felt forced with two people who otherwise wouldn't be together. Or even want to be together. I didn't think there was much romance when it was all said and done. 

eARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing, LLC and NetGalley
Publishes on March 19th


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Sunday, March 18, 2018



Ascension - Caris Roane

Alison has always been different. As she gotten older, these abilities have progressed and she starts to have weird dreams. Kerrick is a immortal vampire warrior; a Warrior of the Blood. His job is to protect Alison from those who would harm her. 
This was an interesting and different concept of vampires. Certain groups of humans, who have abilities get a "call" to ascend and become an immortal vampire. With wings (these take time to grow). First Earth AKA Mortal Earth is, well, earth. Second Earth is where the vampires live and is earth, but another dimension of earth. Vampires who chose to kill their victims/prey are called death vampires. The Warrior fight these vampires. There are different levels, some characters are power hungry and will go to great lengths to get power.
I found myself more intrigued by the baddie, Darian Greaves then Alison or Kerrick. I was curious to learn more about him and his own motivations. Paranormal romance has a shortage of badass warrior women who don't give a fuck what anyone says and have power. That's Endelle, the leader/head of the Warriors. She's interesting too; I wanted to learn more about her. 
Alison, fairly cookie cutter, has soooo much power and is perfect. She's attracted to Kerrick, but feels she can't have him because she might hurt him. Kerrick wants Alison, but can't be with her because Reasons. He's also the typical Alpha-hole how thinks "MINE, no one touch or look at her.!"
Not bad, not great. Average. Feel like book (461 pgs) could have used a trim.


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Friday, March 16, 2018

The Girl With the Lower Back Tattoo


The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo - Amy Schumer

I am going to come right out and say it. I'm a fan. I LOVED Trainwreck and her Comedy Central show Inside Amy Schumer. I know her humor isn't for everyone. I happen to love it. That being said, I do admire her, even if she is a bit too blunt at times. I do think women (in general) can learn a lot from her- she loves herself. Just. As. She. Is. And THAT is the big take away from this book. I bought the book from Target when it was on sale, but then realized she narrated the audio book. So I got the audio book from the library and this entertained me on my commute for the last 1 and 1/2 weeks.

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Secrets at Midnight


Secrets at Midnight (Psy-Changeling Novel, A) - Nalini Singh

Bastien (one of Mercy's brothers) scents his mate, but gets frustrated when her scent vanishes. Kirby, is an orphan, having grown up in the foster care system. She moved to CA and is a kindergarten teacher.
I enjoyed this one. I loved how Bastien wasn't overpowering and how slow he went with Kirby. I also really liked Kirby and how strong she was. Enjoyable read. I love, love this world!

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Monday, March 12, 2018

Sirena: An Undersea Folk Tale


Sirena - MaryJanice Davidson

This was a nice short story. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it flowed, considering the length. Both Jack and Neomi are likable.

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...