Wednesday, December 6, 2017

A Perilous Passion


A Perilous Passion - Elizabeth Keysian

Charlotte lives with her mother and aunt in a somewhat remote part of England. Charlotte's dad was a smuggler and was going to confess and receive a pardon. He was murdered before he could receive the pardon. Rafe, the Earl of Beckport, had an Incident happen while in the military on an important mission. Now, he is undercover with the goal of capturing an English traitor (and some smugglers too).
I did enjoy this book. But. There was a lot going on and it was a bit slow in spots. I thought the traitor was revealed early (and it was early enough, I was waiting for a twist. But nope, all signs pointed to him and it was). I liked the spy aspect, but thought it dragged in spots. I liked Flora's doctor, but didn't like how he was dismissed (when his brews showed that they were effective). (Don't get the meet the doctor, but he is talked about. Plenty.).
I did like how Charlotte came to the rescue not once, but twice, (and could argue a 3rd time). However, that got overshadowed when she got kidnapped and had to be rescued (of course, this over-used trope is used). Overall, I did enjoy this one. 
I would recommend this for those who enjoy historical romance, but like something a tad different.

eARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing and NetGalley.
Publishes on Dec 11th

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