Sunday, April 30, 2017

Out of this World


Out Of This World - Jill Shalvis

I shouldn't be surprised, there are a handful of JS's earlier books that just aren't that great. This is one of them. Rachel inherits a B&B in Alaska. She lives in LA and decided to fly out. I also put this down in the first chapter. Rachel was annoying and an idiot. I thought it would get better. Hint, it doesn't!
It's told in first person (which I don't have an issue with), alternating between Kellan and Rachel (which wasn't needed). It starts out contemporary switching to paranormal after Rachel gets hit by lightening and develops abilities. Make up your mind what you want to be! I wanted to throw book across the room (and I probably should have, it's a discarded library book I bought for 50 cents at the library sale). It would have been cathartic.
I should have DNF'd this. Skip it and don't waste your time. Her newer stuff is so much better. (Lucky Harbor I'm looking at you!).


Read this for the Railroad #3 square (travel across the US).  It would work for Railroad #14 too (suitcases on cover).  But using it for #3.  

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