Sunday, April 30, 2017

Out of this World


Out Of This World - Jill Shalvis

I shouldn't be surprised, there are a handful of JS's earlier books that just aren't that great. This is one of them. Rachel inherits a B&B in Alaska. She lives in LA and decided to fly out. I also put this down in the first chapter. Rachel was annoying and an idiot. I thought it would get better. Hint, it doesn't!
It's told in first person (which I don't have an issue with), alternating between Kellan and Rachel (which wasn't needed). It starts out contemporary switching to paranormal after Rachel gets hit by lightening and develops abilities. Make up your mind what you want to be! I wanted to throw book across the room (and I probably should have, it's a discarded library book I bought for 50 cents at the library sale). It would have been cathartic.
I should have DNF'd this. Skip it and don't waste your time. Her newer stuff is so much better. (Lucky Harbor I'm looking at you!).


Read this for the Railroad #3 square (travel across the US).  It would work for Railroad #14 too (suitcases on cover).  But using it for #3.  

Original post:

Beautiful Danger


Beautiful Danger (In the Company of Vampires #1) - Michele Hauf

Domingos, a vampire, is kidnapped and tortured by a werewolf pack. He vows revenge and is in the process of exacting it when he meets Lark. Lark is a vampire hunter, hired by the werewolf pack to track and kill Domingos.
Both have not-so-great backstories. I liked that both were vulnerable. Domingos hears music and difficulty seeing when exposed to UV light. I really didn't understand how the Order of the Stake (nice name, huh?) didn't have a problem killing vampires, but let the werewolf pack get away so much before doing anything about it.
Decent and different.

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Saturday, April 29, 2017



Tamed - Emma Chase

Having read the first 2 (Tangled and Twisted), I was interested in reading Matthew's and Dee's (Delores) story. I knew they were a couple and got married, but I was interested enough to want to read their story (and Matthew is not Drew).
Like every couple, they have their Issues. Dee, I think, more than Matthew. Everything (of course) works out in the end. I did like the writing, it's snappy and interesting. I will say this, for the book it is, it kinda sucks when one of the best characters is a 4 year old girl.
The next and last (Tied) is back to Drew and Kate. No plans on reading (I've had enough of Drew). I do like the writing, so will check out author's other books.


Published in 2014 for #18 Carsland

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires


The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires - Molly Harper

This book focuses on Iris. She runs a vampire concierge service that happens to be the only one of it's kind in Half Moon Hollow. She does the things vampires don't want to (or can't) do. She was dropping off the contract for a new client when she found him on his kitchen floor. After offering her a nice sum of money, she took him home, putting him in the basement.
What follows is a dislike of each other that blossoms into more. I really liked Iris. She is sarcastic, fun, intelligent. She gave up a lot to be able to raise her younger sister when their parents were killed. I enjoyed the interactions between her and Gigi (17 years old). The interactions between Cal and Gigi was also hilarious. I liked how well he integrated into their family.
Cal was harder to like at first, but he got much better. Jane, Andrea, and Jolene also make appearances here. (Not necessary to read Jane's books first, but I think I enjoyed this more because I read them first). Liked the elements of botany in the mystery. The who-done-it was easily guessed, but I found I didn't care!
Looking forward at other books in the series, I see Gigi gets her own book! Unfortunately it doesn't look like she majored in nursing at the U of K like mentioned in this book. (Bummer, since I am one).


Booklikes-opoly:  #16 Carsland book has 356 pages

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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Enchanting the Earl


Enchanting the Earl (The Townsends) - Lily Maxton

A distant relative of Annabel's allows her and her Aunt to live in Llynmore Castle. Unbeknownst to them, he dies. A new Lord Arden comes to the castle to live. Having no where else to live, Annabel sets out to make Theo leave.
I really liked this. Both have Baggage. Theo's is both external (he is an amputee) and internal. He comes to the castle to hide and isolate himself. Other then that, the big difference between them, is Annabel LIVES. Growing up, her life was less than perfect, but she made the best it. I thought her outlook, allowed Theo to out up and find acceptance. I loved the virgin hero!
There is a second story-line with Fiona and Mary and a murder, but this doesn't overshadow the main story with Annabel and Theo. I also enjoyed that Annabel saved herself. Theo's siblings (Eleanor, Georgina, and Robert) are also a highlight in the book.

eARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing and NetGalley.
For square #2 Frontierland; 240 pages= $3
Bank $26

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Thursday, April 20, 2017

Mind Games


Mind Games - Carolyn Crane

A hypochondriac as a heroine?!  Justine was recruited to help "disillusion" people who are not-so-good.  When one is "disillusioned," their old self is broken down and when they rebuild, they are good.  

This was interesting and I'm glad I read it, but Justine got on my nerves. She was just annoying.  I liked the secondary characters.  Could have gone with less love interests; Cubby, Packard, and Otto (yes, there are 3- not all at once, try for 2 and you'd be correct). 

More on the world they inhabit would have been interesting.


Read for #9 Fantasyland, 371 pages

(one down, one to go before I can roll again!) 

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Monday, April 17, 2017

Song of Scarabaeus


Song of Scarabaeus - Sara Creasy

Half Talasi, Edie was separated and lived apart from the rest. Edie was "rescued" when she was 10. Trained in biotechnology since childhood, she is responsible for seeding worlds that are inhabitable to humans, to make them livable. The organization whose goal is the colonize everywhere they can, is the Crib. The Crib also controls the resources to keep most of those terraformed worlds habitable and charge massive fees to do so. Edie realizes she is not happy working for them.
This started out well with Edie's kidnapping. But then, it lost steam for me. This was so easy to put down and pick up. I wasn't engaged. I'm glad I read it, but it was an uneven read for me. Certain parts were heavy with tension, then it resolved and got slow again. This is also billed as a sci-fi romance. It's heavy on the sci-fi and tech part. IMO, pretty much no romance. I really couldn't see Finn and Edie together.


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Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Into the Fire


Into the Fire - Jeaniene Frost

Do not read if you haven't read the previous books in this series (there are 3 that feature Vlad and Leila).
I was looking forward to getting a conclusion. I don't think this was much of a conclusion. This opens up with Leila getting tortured. Again. The goal is to break the curse/link to Mircea. This leads to more revelations about Leila's heritage. I thought this should have been introduced and explored earlier, not in book 4. All it did, at this later stage, is make Leila more *special*. (Eye roll). Both Vlad and Leila continue to keep things from each other, to protect/because they think it's best. But at this point, fuck it, that is immature, ridiculous, and no growth- at all- in their relationship. I didn't appreciate Leila's treatment of Gretchen. Gretchen's story-line was abrupt.
Then after all that, there still is the curse. This didn't feel like an end. I'm so over it.
The bright spot was Ian. I am looking forward to his book(s). I missed Cat and Bones. If I had read this series first, before Night Huntress, I probably wouldn't have bothered. Lowest rating ever for a JF book.

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Alpha One


Alpha One - Cynthia Eden

Juliana is a senator's daughter. Her dear old dad isn't a good person and has done things. Things of a criminal nature. Logan went into the military. His dad was a drunk driver who killed someone (and himself).
This had good suspense, with some TSTL moments, but nothing bad. I liked finding out what Julie and Logan's history was. Logan does get overbearing at times, but Julie holds her own.


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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...