Sunday, March 31, 2024

Review: Barriers to Entry

Barriers to Entry Barriers to Entry by Ariel Lawhon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Frances Glessner Lee was a real person who helped come up with and furthered the idea of modern forensic science. This short story is based on her diorama "Three Room Dwelling."
Frances is teaching a class on studying and learning from crime scenes. The goal is to take in every single detail to help solve the how and possibly the who. This portrayed the disbelief the men have about a woman teaching a class (what could *she* possibly know that *we* don't?!). Then the excitement as they (slowly) got it. And the (grudging) respect that she slowly earned. Fascinating.

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Review: Fallen Grace

Fallen Grace Fallen Grace by Sadeqa Johnson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Takes place in segregated Virginia in the 1950s. Bubbles got pregnant as a teenager and out of wedlock. Her father is a pastor and to protect HIS reputation, she was set to a home for "wayward" girls (exactly like the Magdalene Laundries in Ireland). At the "home", they take the infants away quickly after birth. Bubbles is intent on a different path. She stuck up a friendship with another girl there and together they escaped.
Bubbles then faces betrayal by the man she loved, her parents, and the girl who was a bit of a friend. After she sees her father being a hypocrite, does she decide to stand up for herself and her newborn daughter. Powerful read.

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Saturday, March 30, 2024

Review: Tune in Tomorrow

Tune in Tomorrow Tune in Tomorrow by Melanie Benjamin
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This was a fictional story based on the woman who developed the soap opera (Irna Phillips).
Abby had an uphill battle from the get go because she was a woman. She was career orientated and decided to not marry (otherwise she would have had to quit or might have been fired). She did adopt a child (and I will not spoil whose child).

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Review: The Friend Zone

The Friend Zone The Friend Zone by Kristen Callihan
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Gray and Ivy first meet over text. Gray is a college senior, football star in need of a car. His prospective agent, Sean MacKenzie offers Ivy's car since she is currently in London learning all about her mom's bakery. They become friends.
A nice friends to lovers story. The push-pull "I want you, but you probably don't want me/I shouldn't" got old real fast. Luckily they do give in just after 1/2 through. I liked how kind and empathetic Gray was. He was the primary caregiver for his mom who died of breast cancer when he was a teenager. He was the youngest of 4 boys. Things came out about his childhood that happened to him that were done to him by his brothers and dad "to toughen him up."
All-in-all I enjoyed the banter back and forth. Each had cute, unexpected nicknames for the other. And there really wasn't some big misunderstanding that occurred at the end. My only issue was the trite trope of fairly inexperienced woman (she had sex once) with a very experienced guy. That annoyed me. Enjoyed the epilogue.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Review: Get a Life, Chloe Brown

Get a Life, Chloe Brown Get a Life, Chloe Brown by Talia Hibbert
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Chloe is almost hit by a car while out on a walk. This leads her to looking at her life and her desire for some change. She wants to take some risks and comes up with a list. She is the oldest and has her own routine. She also has massive guards up because she deals with a chronic illness.
Red is the building super. He is a painter and has had something happen to him in the past. He is kind, but quiet.
Chloe and Red didn't make a good first impression. So they begin a bit like enemies and then become friends and then become lovers. There were moments of slowness and my attention lagged. And then moments where it was hard to put down. Chloe took some getting used to; she comes across as a bit rude when you first met her. But once the reader gets to "know" her, her behavior is more understandable.

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Friday, March 22, 2024

Review: Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning

Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning Oath and Honor: A Memoir and a Warning by Liz Cheney
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was interesting to read about the events before, during, and after the Jan 6, 2021 insurrection.  
Politically, I disagree with Liz Cheney on most things.  However, she has the courage to stand up for what is right and true.  She stood up for democracy.  And she paid a price for it too.  I think history will see her as a hero.
It's surprising to read and listen to how the insurrectionists are viewed now.  How quickly the fear of 1/6/21 faded away.  The simple, plain fact is this:  those that participated in the insurrection (including the person who incited it & did nothing while the Capital was stormed) are TRAITORS.   
I listened to the audiobook borrowed from the library and narrated by Liz Cheney.     

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Review: Fires to Come

Fires to Come Fires to Come by Asha Lemmie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Carlotta was adopted by an Italian family when she was found as a baby.  Her dad was also the Don of one of the local mafias.  She was her mother's baby girl.  The oldest brother hated her.  Luca, the younger (but older than her) didn't.  She also found she didn't quite fit in (she was black and the only black person in her neighborhood).  
As the family grows up, she realizes she wants to be loved and to be happy.  She learns about a speakeasy in Harlem.  There she finds people that look like her, but again she doesn't quite fit in.  She meets a guy and falls for him, but realizes it wouldn't be a good fit.  She learns what she wants and needs to be happy, safe, and content.  She then does what needs to be done.  

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Monday, March 18, 2024

Review: Amelia's Shadow

Amelia's Shadow Amelia's Shadow by Marie Benedict
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Just about everyone knows who Amelia Earhart is. But I hadn't really heard of Ruth Nichols before this story. Nice short story of the friendship between Ruth and Amelia.

Per Wiki: In 1930, Nichols beat Charles Lindbergh's record time for a cross-country flight. She set a new world altitude record in 1932 for diesel-powered aircraft. She became the first woman pilot of a commercial passenger airline. At 57, she set new women's speed and altitude records.
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Review: The Forgotten Chapter

The Forgotten Chapter The Forgotten Chapter by Pam Jenoff
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Sigsaly was set-up in the basement of the Selfridges department store in London. Paige is a young woman working in the bookshop of the department store when she meets Danny. Danny is a young, American military GI who is part of the communications program between Churchill and Roosevelt. They fall in love and then tragedy strikes.
Nice story that comes full circle with the return of the engagement ring that was lost. I enjoyed this so much.
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Review: In Safe Hands

In Safe Hands In Safe Hands by Katie Ruggle
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Daisy has been homebound for eight years due to agoraphobia. She witnessed her mother's murder at a local store when she was 16. Her dad stays with her between jobs. Her best friend is Chris. These 2 are her only contact with the outside world. She is also in love with Chris. One night she witnessed something across the street in an empty house.
This was a bit different in that we know right away who the bad people are. So that changed the dynamic a bit since the reader knows and the characters on the page don't and will talk about how "by the book" this person is. Nice friends to lovers story. Chris brings in Lou and by default Callum (book 1). Lou is super social, so Rory & Ian (book 2), and Ellie & George (book 3) quickly follow. They all become friends with Daisy. Good mix of action and the whole story line with HDG's murder (headless dead guy, AKA Willard Gray- first book) and the arsons are wrapped up.
An epilogue would have been nice.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Review: Working Girls: Trixie and Katya's Guide to Professional Womanhood

Working Girls: Trixie and Katya's Guide to Professional Womanhood Working Girls: Trixie and Katya's Guide to Professional Womanhood by Trixie Mattel
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I don't have too much to say other than this was funny as hell. I enjoyed the humor and the certain brand of snark, well done!
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Review: Orion

Orion Orion by Ruby Lionsdrake
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Orion is a bounty hunter working with the Star Guardians to apprehend a group of smugglers/slavers. These smugglers kidnapped a group of American women to sell to other alien groups. Among the kidnapped is Juanita. She loves anything sci-fi and is an aspiring author. When rescue comes, she views this as a great adventure.
Nice mix of adventure, action, romance. The overall arc of the story (they are still in space and are en route to the Star Guardians homeworld where the fate of kidnapped women will be decided) will continue in book 2, but with different main characters. Ends in a HFN.

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Saturday, March 9, 2024

Review: Pageboy

Pageboy Pageboy by Elliot Page
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I am a fan of Elliot Page (Juno! X-Men!). He has been through a lot in his short life. This was tough at times, graphic. But in the end, he overcomes. This did have some moments where I got lost a bit; it goes back and forth from childhood to adulthood and back to childhood, etc.
*Might* be helpful reading for some on the anti-trans bandwagon that is happening in pretty much every single state right now. (I do not think this would make a difference for someone like MJG for example. I think a target could be those moderates (if any exist in this political climate).

Review: While You Were Dreaming

While You Were Dreaming While You Were Dreaming by Alisha Rai
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Sonia loves cosplay and creating looks/costumes. She has a huge crush on James, a popular boy in her Junior high school class. She also doesn't like calling attention to herself; her mother was deported and her sister is undocumented (Sonia is lucky; she was born here in the US). Her mother and sister came over on medical visas and stayed (Sonia & Kareena father died and his family cut them off). She risks attention when she rescues James and is caught on video. Her costumed self goes viral, but no one publicly names her.
I really liked this book. Sonia's fear is real and she misses her mother every day. She constantly worried that something would happen and Kareena would get deported. She lives this fear every single day. Despite this, she tries to be an average American teenager.
Things happen and she gradually comes out of her shell and gains confidence to speak up when she is disrespected. She also finds a community; people who love her for who she is and offer help, support, and to just be there. Strong secondary characters too.
All. The. Feels!
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Sunday, March 3, 2024

Review: Renegade Love: An Alien Bounty Hunter Romance

Renegade Love: An Alien Bounty Hunter Romance Renegade Love: An Alien Bounty Hunter Romance by Ann Aguirre
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

We met Toth Krag at the end of the previous book. He is one of many bounty hunters to inherit the name "Toth Krag." The name instills fear. Those he goes after know that he wins. Always. Until the events of book 2. To please the guild, he goes after Yara Duncan for a debt to a large collective. Except things don't go as planned.
Yara was kidnapped from Earth. It appears aliens have an appetite for cattle and will periodically come and steal some. She was caught in this last group while stargazing. She's been able to adapt to survive and her latest gig is as a circus attraction. The circus owners apparently have taken out a loan in Yara's name and defaulted. So, now the collective wants Yara alive so they can sell her for parts.
Yara and Toth talk. Toth is really Oren and was sold by his family to the mercenary guild as a child where his debt grew and grew with training, gear, etc. He's tired and wants out, but how? Yara wants to pay off the loan because she feels she owes the circus company for taking her in (very nice of her), but how?
They agree they need help and want to form a group to do a big heist to get enough to pay off debt. She reunited with her mom, who disappeared when she was a child. It turns out her mom was also abducted by aliens and has been making her way through the galaxy ever since. Nice group of individuals; different alien beings, and AIs.
This was fun. The romance was a bit fast, but considering the situation, it felt believable.
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Friday, March 1, 2024

Review: The Conspiracy to End America: Five Ways My Old Party Is Driving Our Democracy to Autocracy

The Conspiracy to End America: Five Ways My Old Party Is Driving Our Democracy to Autocracy The Conspiracy to End America: Five Ways My Old Party Is Driving Our Democracy to Autocracy by Stuart Stevens
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Stuart Stevens was a GOP consultant. This was depressing, but necessary to read. While I was aware of the many issues/problems addressed in this book, it was important to hear it from someone "on the other side of the aisle." I also liked how it was presented; with background and what the concern is now.
Anyone who doesn't vote at this point, assuming they vote for no one (because they think Biden hasn't done enough at the border and/or Gaza; and yes they are right, but....) needs to suck it up and vote. Those in the middle and on the left need to start thinking long term, but short term. Look at what the GOP has been able to do playing the long game- they overturned Roe vs Wade, stacked the Supreme Court (and the other judicial appointments), etc. Compromise isn't a bad word.
Regardless, Nov 2024 is going to suck. Either Trump wins (and unless something happens between the time of the writing and the election- he IS the GOP Republican nominee; a party of mostly spineless fuckers who kiss Trump's ass) and we see an unprecedented crack down on people who disagree with him, further eroding of voting rights (ie making it even HARDER to vote), and a trend to autocracy (think Viktor Orban's Hungary or even Putin's Russia). Or Trump loses. Then I would not be surprised to see a repeat of Jan 6, 2021. And these individuals will be more emboldened.
Educate yourself on the issues. Get your news from multiple news sources. (The Guardian, The New York Times, Haaretz, The Washington Post, PBS to name a few). And make your voice heard.

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Review: A Prince on Paper

A Prince on Paper A Prince on Paper by Alyssa Cole
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nya is Ledi's cousin (from the first book). Nya's father was caught up in shenanigans that lead to his imprisonment for poisoning Ledi (and Nya, her grandparents). Her father isolated her and due to the poisoning, she was frequently sick. She was able to go to NYC and further her education after her father's imprisonment. She was able to spread her wings and began building her confidence.
Johan's stepfather is a king and his 1/2 brother is heir to the throne. He loves his brother and does what he can to protect him. That means playing the playboy and doing stupid shit to keep the attention on him. Johan secretly admired Nya and she him.
They both spend time together while attending Ledi and Thabiso's wedding. Things happen (and they could be interpreted differently depending on context). They end up being fake engaged. This helps Nya since she has a crush on Johan and needs to figure out her next step in life. This helps Johan since he has a crush on Nya and he needs to figure out what is going on with his brother & put out good press since his country is having a referendum to abolish the monarchy.
I thought they both complimented each other well. They do talk and each has baggage from the past. Johan realizes he needs to make the next step. I liked the epilogue, it's mentioned they are in therapy to be able to deal/cope with past events and better communicate. Excellent series!

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...