Sunday, February 13, 2022

Review: Catching Him

Catching Him Catching Him by Aurora Rose Reynolds
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Leah is in her 30s and is tired of dating the wrong guys. He last relationship lasted 2 years and he told her he was interested one moment and was indecisive about their future the next. So, now she is single and determined to not chase a guy again. Her first meeting with her next door neighbor was hilarious. Her cat, Mouse, escaped and jumped through an open window at his house. Thinking the house was empty, Leah jumps in after her cat and meets Tyler.
What follows is a nice friends to lovers. I thought they got to know each other before jumping in and I could believe it. Both are a little too perfect though (IMO). They whole mystery of arson and trashing of Leah's home was out of place and didn't make sense. I felt it came out of left field and was unnecessary when all said and done.

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Review: Bargain with the Beast

Bargain with the Beast Bargain with the Beast by Naima Simone
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Gwen works at the local community center. They will be closing their doors due to lack of funding in a few weeks unless Gwen can make something happen. It turns out she applied for a grant from a local company, but she later found out her application was "lost." It turns out she knows the head of the company and was friends with him once. She was also engaged to his brother.
It turns out Xavier was in an accident (I'm assuming car- it was never said) that left him with disfiguring injuries. He realized how superficial his life was (he lost his "friends" and fiance) and as a result he both becomes a bit of an asshole and isolates himself. When Gwen approaches him, he makes a demand of her; spend the next week with him (in his bed) and he will give her the grant money.
I was a bit leery of this, but enjoy Beauty and the Beast retellings. I was pleasantly surprised. I think this works because of Gwen and Xavier's previous history. Yes, Xavier is an asshole through most of this. Yes, life sucks and you find out people you thought were with you aren't really. He does find out who his friends are and it did wake him up to how shallow his life was. I would have liked more at the end (an epilogue would have been nice).

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...