Thursday, May 28, 2020

The Sweet Spot


The Sweet Spot - Heather Heyford

Hank owns his family's winery that his been in his family for decades. Jamie is a music teacher from Philly that just got a big promotion (but does she really want it?). Jamie's a big wine fan and travels to OR for a getaway at her favorite winery- The Sweet Spot.
While I liked the writing and learning about wine, the romance was so slow paced. I think this could have been shorter. Hank was frustrating- he blew hot and cold and I don't think he even knew what he wanted (until the end of the book of course). He was also very bland and didn't have much personality. One moment he was keeping the winery and the next he was selling it. He was unhappy on moment and the next not. I really didn't understand or believe their romance/attraction.
Jamie was a little better. She was settled- or thought she was. She made the necessary changes to her life to make things happen.
Read for Romance-opoly Farmer's Market moon track

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Loving Cara


Loving Cara - Kristen Proby

Cara (Carolina) is a teacher and takes a summer job tutoring the 12 yr old nephew of a boy she had a huge crush on in high school. Josh's (the crush) brother Zach is in the military. Zack's soon to be ex-wife is a piece of work. Josh works the family ranch.
Seth (the nephew) has an attitude from the treatment he got from his mom, things she has told him, and the treatment of his mom's various boyfriends.
Even though they knew each other (kinda), I thought Josh came off too strong. It's "honey," "sweetheart,"and "Carolina" even though she has said she prefers Cara. Since technically Cara is his employee, his comments and heavy flirtation just rubbed me the wrong way. But hey, since Cara was crushing on him, it's okay, right?! (I guess?? Haha.) The alternating POV helped me get into Josh's head and was helpful to know where each was at. It was annoying all the jealous, stuck up women in this small town (yes, really). Josh is a catch (did you know that?!). The spanking (actual and threatened) got on my nerves. He'd threaten to spank Cara whenever she did something he didn't like. WTF?
I read this for Romance-opoly Farmer's Market sun track

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Monday, May 25, 2020

Shadows Strike


Shadows Strike (Immortal Guardians) - Dianne Duvall

This is Ethan and Heather's story. Heather is a telepath and has been able to turn that into a career- as a FACS specialist (reading facial expressions and body language to determine if someone is lying. The other couples from previous books all make appearances. The underlying storyline with Gershon trying to start WW 3 is continued. New allies appear.


Jared (an other) and General Lane) Aidan (an older immortal- he can bear some sunlight) is the one who transformed Heather, so she is stronger than Ethan.


I read this for Romance-opoly Fang Alley moon track

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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Rogue Wolf


Rogue Wolf - Elliot Cooper

Vince is a werewolf or fenrite. He happens to be in exile for loving someone in a different pack (I didn't get it was because he was gay, but it certainly could have been part of it). He is now part of a pirate crew and this is his chosen family.
This started off right into the action. It wasn't difficult to figure out what was going on, enough info was given. Both Vince and Trent are likable as are the secondary characters.

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Decadent Moon: The Complete Series


Decadent Moon:  The Complete Series - Shona Husk

Lunar Exposure
Brax is a bounty hunter on the tail of an eco-terrorist. Haliday is a socialite with a secret- she is also a former slave turned bounty hunter. Her socialite career is a cover. There different types of aliens, but not a lot of depth is gone into the differences. Would have liked more info and world building. It was interesting and I liked the characters. The bad guy was caught. 3*
Lunar Reunion
Silva and Filid were both in the military and friends, but wanting to be more. Possibly. But fraternization were forbidden. Silva quit and became a commercial pilot (space ships) while Filid remained. Several years later, they reconnect and the spark is still there. Filid has tentacles on his head. Noted a lot of typos in this one. 3*
Lunar Dancer
Ima has worked as a courier for 2 years hoping to save enough to get her daughter back. Her daughter is in a home for illegal children (illegal being born to unwed mothers. It will shock you to learn that only the women are punished). Jorin is a dancer, but is a prince. As the 2nd born son, Jorin is set to be murdered by his brother, the new king. A new king shows his strength by murdering his family (who might try for the thrown). Both Ima and Jorin come up with a plan to get her daughter back and save his life. This was the favorite of the 3.
It would have been since to have more world building. The snapshots of the different aliens/cultures was interesting.

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...