Friday, August 30, 2019

The Star King


The Star King - Susan Grant

I liked the writing and it keep me engaged and interested. However, I did have Issues with this one. It was disappointing that a sci-fi romance couldn't be better in the roles given to women. The world Rom (Romlijhian) B'kah inhibits limits women's participation. It's sons that matter, inherit, sit on councils, lead. The daughters? Well, their job is to become wives and mothers or a prostitute (excuse me- "pleasure server"). It doesn't (typically) bother me in a historical romance. But in a contemporary or sci-fi/futuristic? I expect more. I don't expect regression in women's rights or their rightful equal place in society. The Patriarchy was alive and well.
This had the tired tropes of:
1. An adult woman (in this case, a divorced woman in her 40s with 2 adult children) never having had good sex and lack of experience. *rolls eyes*
2. Jas has to be rescued not once, but twice. And each rescue furthers Rom's story and his "destiny."
This next book features Jas's son Ian and a B'kah royal (and a trope I *do* really like (usually)-mistaken identity) and I happen to have (freebie at one time); so I might read it. 
Ripped Bodice Bingo- Royalty square


Original post:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Dragon Bound


Dragon Bound - Thea Harrison

This was a pleasant read. I did think the first half dragged before picking up. Pia was hilarious, smart, compassionate. Dragos was an alpha (but not an alpha-hole) and was likable. I enjoyed learning what type of Wyr Pia was. This also has a strong cast of supporting characters. (Some (all?) of whom get their own book.)
Ripped Bodice Bingo Dragons square

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Thursday, August 22, 2019

There's Something About Sweetie


There's Something about Sweetie - Sandhya Menon

Ashish got dumped and now he's in a funk.  So, he asks his parents to set him up with a girl they think he would be compatible with.  See, ever since the break-up, his game has been off and he needs it back since he's one of the star basketball players.  He wants his mojo back dammit!

Sweetie is a track star, a good student, and is not so bad at carrying a tune.  She also happens to be on the plus size.  Guys have not been interested in her.

I was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked this!  Yes it's on the angsty side.  And shockingly, I think most of that was from Ashish.  Sweetie was the bomb.  There wasn't anything I didn't like about her.  She really grew throughout the book; expressing her opinions and recognizing her worth.  Her relationship with her mom sucked.  Imagine constantly being criticized because of your weight.  Nothing else matters, but what the number on the scale is and what other people think.  There are things that happen as the book progresses, and by the end?  Her mom has a change in attitude.

I loved this quote:  "She was power.  She was grace.  She was beauty.  She was totally kicking his ass."

Ripped Bodice Bingo:  Prom square  

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Monday, August 19, 2019

Two Times as Hot


Two Times As Hot - Cat Johnson

Emma and Logan meet at Emma's sister's wedding (Becca's story was book 1). Logan is BFs with the groom (Tucker). Sparks fly when Emma and Logan meet. They have a one night stand.
I did like this one, but not as much as the first book. Once I got started, I had a hard time putting this down. It even had one of my hated tropes


a surprise pregnancy


, and I found I didn't mind that much.
I enjoyed the interactions between the main characters and secondary, the dialogue, the relationships. I thought this had a solid start and middle, but the ending was rushed.
Tara and Jace are the next book and I think I will take a pass. (Tara is a spoiled, love sick idiot in this one and Jace is too flighty and unreliable).
Ripped Bodice Bingo: Cowboy

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Friday, August 16, 2019

Bunny and the Bear


Bunny and the Bear - Eve Langlais

Hilarious. Miranda is part of the Furry United Coalition or FUC tasked with keeping shifters safe and their animal a secret from humans. She is tasked with keeping an eye on Chase, a bear. He happened to be on a list of shifters that were kidnapped and found dead later with signs of experimentation.
This was a good mix of hilarity, suspense, and of course romance. Miranda was dismissed because she's a bunny. Well, she has a secret about her animal half that was pretty good. This was fun and was what I needed.
For Ripped Bodice Bingo- next door neighbor.

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Sunday, August 11, 2019

Driving Her Crazy


Driving Her Crazy - Kira Archer

Cherice set the wrong time on her clock and is late to the airport for her flight to her sister's wedding. Making it more of a problem is her mom is a bitch and thinks Cher is a failure. Then her flight is cancelled due to the weather (it wouldn't have made a difference anyway since the doors were closed). It turns out Oz is in the same position. He has an interview in New York for his dream job. He gets the last rental car and since he is a nice guy, offers to share said car with Cher since they both are going to NYC.
I ended up giving this a 3 which is my average rating. There were several things that aggravated me (both Oz and Cher are judgmental as hell and make quick assumptions, Cher has NO backbone when it comes to her mom/family). But, at the end things worked out- if a little to quickly. I would have liked to read more about Cher taking ownership of her life and standing up to her mother. I did like the epilogue but would have liked to know how much time has passed (a year? 2 years?). 
Ripped Bodice Bingo: roadtrip


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Night Unbound


Night Unbound (Immortal Guardians) - Dianne Duvall

This picks up where the previous left, Dennis and the mercenary group are defeated. It turns out someone picked up where they left off and are training vampires to fight. These vampires are strong and prove to be difficulty to defeat.
I liked the new mystery. I liked seeing Seth's vulnerabilities. I liked seeing the previous couples from the previous books and the banter back and forth; this is a close knit family. Ami and Marcus's child is born. I was pleasantly surprised at how much I like Lisette and Zack as a couple. There are still many mysteries about "the Others" and what Zack and Seth are. These answers hopefully will be forthcoming in future installments.
Ripped Bodice Bingo: Both leads over 50 (probably not what they had in mind, but it fits!)

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Sunday, August 4, 2019

Unmasked by the Marquess


Unmasked by the Marquess - Cat Sebastian

This is my first Cat Sebastian book and I've heard good things about this author. I really enjoyed this one. I had a hard time putting this down once I started. I enjoyed all the characters and didn't want to slap a one! I enjoyed the non-binary heroine and bisexual hero. I always like it when the author puts a note at the end and I found it very enlightening. Will be reading more by this author.


Ripped Bodice Bingo- Eloping square

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Rebel Mechanics


Rebel Mechanics - Shanna Swendson

This is an alternative history with paranormal elements. So, the American Revolution never happened and the colonies are still under British rule. Those in power, the rich elite have magic. Those with magic don't mix with the non-magical (it dilutes the blood). The gap between the haves and have-nots is pretty wide.
Verity is the daughter of a college professor. She became a governess to a wealthy magical family after her mother died. The Rebel Mechanics (RM) are a group of magical-hating individuals who strive for independence and are revolutionaries and inventors.
I wanted to like this book more than I did. I did like Verity, she was a little too trusting, but was able to form her own opinions. I wasn't surprised when Verity revealed a hidden talent. I liked Henry and his charges Olive and Rollo (Flora not so much). Fun twist regarding Henry. (It's hinted and guessed at early on).
I didn't like the RM using children in their demonstration when they knew it would and could turn violent. They also came across as too judgmental (as a group). I won't be reading the rest.
For Ripped Bodice Bingo- YA historical

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...