Saturday, July 27, 2019

Fire on the Ice


Fire on the Ice: Snow & Ice Games - Tamsen Parker

Blaze is a short track speed skater, Maisy is a figure skater. Every 4 years (I assume) the Snow and Ice Games (SIG) happen. 4 years ago at the last SIG, Blaze and Maisy had a red hot affair. Both are down for the same at this event.
There were some things I liked; the figure skating and speed skating and the last couple of chapters. 
Blaze was a unique character (she's bisexual, polygamous (and very open with who she is) which is something not really seen in romance- it did take some getting used to). Maisy on the other hand was more of a wallflower and didn't want to be. I wanted her to stand up to her parents/coach and do what she wanted. 
What I didn't: the first 3/4 of the book was sex and sex and more sex. There was no plot, no character development.
1st part: 1*
2nd part: 3*
Average: 2*
Ripped Bodice Bingo: F-F contemporary


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Monday, July 22, 2019

A Lily Among Thorns


A Lily Among Thorns - Rose Lerner

This had a slow start for me. Serena fell in love with one of her father's footmen. She then opted to run away and join a brothel becoming a well known courtesan. Solomon visits the brothel with his "friends" and gives Serena his quarterly allowance which allows her a chance at a new life.
I did think Serena was cold and harsh at times. I also thought Solomon was maybe too perfect (he sews! he cooks! he plays!). However, I could see them together and I thought they fit. I liked the spy subplot and the secondary love story with Rene and Elijah. I would have liked a little more about Rene/Elijah. And also- did anything happen to Serena's father?
For Ripped Bodice Bingo- on the page atheist

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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Chase Me


Chase Me - Tessa Bailey

Roxy is a struggling actress. Louis is a lawyer with a great job and from money. Louis also happens to be a manwhore. They meet when Roxy sings a song about his penis dressed in a bunny suit.
This was cute and I liked the banter. I didn't quite believe the romance, but I liked both characters.
Ripped Bodice Bingo- someone wears a costume.

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Rock Redemption


Rock Redemption (Rock Kiss) (Volume 3) - Nalini Singh

I'm not always a fan of second chance romances (and this one kinda is). Kit is best friends with Noah (and she loves him and he her). Noah, believing himself to be not worthy, orchestrates a betrayal (of sorts). He had something happen during his childhood that causes him to self medicate with women. Lots of them.
Noah was


sexually abused as a child and his parents opted to ignore it and send him away to boarding school.


Instead of seeking out counseling, talking about it, he bottles it in- until it can't be dealt with in his usual way. I wanted more from him sooner then it came. He does eventually redeem himself, but it was pretty much towards the end of the book. I thought his treatment of Kit was super shitty. While I didn't like he was sleeping with other women, it technically wasn't cheating since they weren't a couple.
I was still in the story. NS can write!
Angst- check. Secret- check.
Ripped Bodice Bingo: Show Business square

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Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Rule of Luck


The Rule of Luck - Catherine Cerveny

In this future, the Earth as we know it has been destroyed by climate change, earthquakes, the subsequent wars that followed. Humanity is ruled under one government. That government controls everything from life-span to fertility to calories. Humanity has colonized Mars and Venus. There is AI, cloning, and genetic modification.
I thought the concepts were interesting and I liked the writing. What I didn't like so much were the characters. Felicia is struck dumb and in lust by Alexei's perfection. Oh please no. I did like Felicia's tarot card reading and her luck gene (yes, that's a thing in this book). Alexei is an Alpha-hole extraordinaire. I think that title explains it all right there.
This would have been better had he been less of a possessive asshole and she less "stupid in lust" (my term for lack of a better descriptor). There's also the cheating.


Yes, I know she really isn't that much into Roy. And I know he really is a spy for her mother. Roy also happens to be married with a baby on the way. His wife thinks he and Felicia are work friends. 


For Ripped Bodice Bingo- tarot square.

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Saturday, July 13, 2019

How to Win at Feminism


How to Win at Feminism: The Definitive Guide to Having It All—And Then Some! - Sarah Pappalardo, Reductress, Anna Drezen, Dr Elizabeth Newell Berglund

Well, hummm. Some of the satire/sarcasm worked and some of it didn't work for me. There are some things you can joke and laugh at. Other things not so much. This book has some LOL moments. It also had it's fair share of hell no not funny moments.
I did like the fake ads spread throughout. Pink Goats International was one of my favs.

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Romancing the Duke


Romancing the Duke - Tessa Dare

Izzy father wrote fairytales. When he dies, she is left with nothing except a castle she inherits. When she arrives at this castle she finds someone living there. It turns out Ransom Vane Duke of Rothbury owns the castle...or does he? Ransom was injured in a sword fight, scarring his face and losing his vision (most of it).
I love Beauty and the Beast stories and I think this is one of them. I enjoyed both Izzy and Ransom and could believe their interest and later romance as they got to know each other. The band of people that help out Ransom later are interesting characters. I did think it strange that once Izzy started reading his correspondence and they both realized something was fishy, neither of them acted on it.
I also liked


Izzy was the bread winner and author of the popular stories.


For Ripped Bodice Bingo- I'm using this for the free space

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Friday, July 12, 2019

The Governess Affair


The Governess Affair (Brothers Sinister, #0.5) - Courtney Milan

The plot was unique in this one. Neither one are titled and are the average working folk. I liked how Hugo admired and cared for Serena. I would have liked for Serena to get a meeting with Clermont though.
I liked meeting Marshall, Robert, and Sebastian (Robert's cousin).
For Ripped Bodice Bingo: Epistolary square


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The Secret History of Wonder Woman


The Secret History of Wonder Woman - Jill Lepore

This was very fascinating. I enjoyed reading about earlier feminism. WMM was definitely ahead of his time (but also had his issues). This was really, really well researched, so it came off as a bit dry for me so I read small portions at a time. 
One thing I found fascinating were the relationships Elizabeth, Olive, Marjorie, and William all had with each other. After Marston died, the women continued their relationship/friendship. I thought it was interesting the amount of secrecy. The author made a point of pointing out that each child had a different POV. 
This is most definitely a story of how Wonder Woman began and all the amazing women that inspired her creation. But it's also a story of family.

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...