Sunday, March 31, 2019

Night Broken


Night Broken - Patricia Briggs

So, Christy, Adam's ex-wife has a stalker. This stalker also happens to be of the supernatural variety and has killed. Let it also be noted that Christy 


knew it wasn't human and the bitch didn't share that information. 


On top of that, Mercy has to find Coyote and ask for the walking stick back. The fae it belongs to wants it back.
I admit I was putting off reading this one because of the Christy story-line. I was frustrated that Christy got so much love and support from the Pack. That she abandoned. Since "werewolves can tell when people are lying," I didn't expect Christy to have so much power. She is a master of persuasion and manipulation. (Are we sure she's human? 'Cause the bitch is good).
But then, finally, the story was much less about Christy and about so much more. We learn more about Mercy's bond with Stefan, the pack bonds, Tad. There were moments that showed Mercy has the love and support of the pack. Honey stepped up when it counted. So did Auriele and Mary Jo.
I hope Gary Laughingdog sticks around. Zach too (a new submissive wolf that drifts from pack to pack).
The set-up is on for more possible conflicts with the fae and vampires.


And the walking stick is back; it appears again to save Mercy from a fall at the end.


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Saturday, March 30, 2019

Desire Me


Desire Me - Robyn DeHart

This is Max's story (who we met in book one). Max happens to have a fascination with all things Atlantis. Sabine happens to be descended from Altanteans. Sabine and her aunts (one of whom is the 3rd Guardian) have moved to London because of the "prophecy." Someone is killing generals who can't be bought and Guardians to steal the elixir in an attempt to take England's army (and thus the world).
While I enjoyed this, I wish there hadn't been so much "I can't love you because of Reasons." There was too much of that. I did like that there were 2 "evil-doers" in this one (with completely different goals). All-in-all, this was a fun, Indiana Jones type romance with some supernatural and legend through in.

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Monday, March 25, 2019



Firelight - Kristen Callihan

I enjoyed this book and really had a had time putting it down. I would have liked more about Miranda and her ability to summon fire. It said she was born with it, her sisters (Poppy and Daisy) are "normal." This book is definitely more about Archer and what happened to him. I was certainly curious about his disfigurement (burns? pox marks? bad ache scars? well, no.).
I did think that was slow moving at times. Both take time to learn to trust and withhold information.
The end was my favorite part.


Miranda was the one who saved the day. She kicked ass and took names.


Daisy and Poppy's books are next!

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Ember (Darkest London, #0.5) - Kristen Callihan

I'm glad I went with the suggestion to read the prologue in Firelight before reading this. The prologue of Firelight is referenced in this (Miranda and Archer meeting). Having made a lasting first impression on each other, they go their separate ways. Archer trying to find a cure for his affliction. Miranda stealing per her father's directive. 
Miranda's father is as asshole. I thought the difference in timelines distracting (they are off by 2 years- Archer's taking place 2 years later). It was sad what Martin did, but was a really a favor since he was only focuses on Miranda's looks and not on her as a person.

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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Something Secret This Way Comes


Something Secret This Way Comes (Secret McQueen, #1) - Sierra Dean

This series had a great prequel that spiked my interest. However, the first book was average for me. While I liked the writing, there were a few things that were predictable and annoying. 
Secret dislikes of her werewolf half. She thinks of werewolves as "animals." Vampires are "primarily human in their behavior." So, when it turns out she is "soul-bonded" (yes, it's everyone's *favorite* trope/plot device: the love triangle!!) to 2 werewolves, I thought she accepted it too easily. (Rolls eyes). And Lucas is the Alpha of the East Coast pack with Desmond being his second. And Lucas is a billionaire. 
Secret was also a born wolf. "A born wolf is a thing of legend among our people." She's also born royalty. 
I didn't appreciate the cliffhanger ending. Nice development with Secret's mother Mercy. 
In short, Secret is Super Special! The prequel was much better. This was average, not-so unique, and ho-hum.

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The Secret Guide to Dating Monsters


The Secret Guide to Dating Monsters - Sierra Dean

Secret is 1/2 vampire and 1/2 werewolf. No many know of her mixed heritage. She happens to be an assassin who kills vampires are dictated by the vampire counsel. She's out on a date and is also trying to kill her next job.
This was a great introduction and I'm interested in learning about Secret, this world, Holden, and anything else that pops up.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

A Magical Match


A Magical Match - Juliet Blackwell

This took me so long to get into. There is so much going on. I found myself picking this up and putting back down (rinse and repeat) until (finally) about halfway through when it picked up.
Lily is planning her wedding and a party, Sailor gets arrested for murder, there's a doppelganger out there, her magical abilities take a vacation, mom issues, dad issues, an evil cupcake lady, and her grandmother's coven coming to visit.
A plus: we get to meet Graciela and Lily's mom (I forget her name- did she have a name?)
I'm not sure I "get" Lily's relationship with Sailor. And surprise- they're getting married but haven't talked about where they are going to live, kids, etc. Seriously. Sailor as a character is so unknown- to both Lily and the reader (how fun! Not.). If Lily was going to end up with someone, my choice for her would have been Aiden (but there are Issues there too).

[spoiler]We learn that Lily has been to Germany to find her father. It turns out, Aiden was his student. Dearest father has been trying to summon demon(s). That act requires the 3 of them to combine their powers to defeat the demon. Aiden is left with scars (he uses a glamour to hide). Lily with amnesia of her trip. It also appears Lily has a 1/2 sibling.


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Friday, March 8, 2019

Beyond Shame


Beyond Shame - Kit Rocha

Mixed feeling about this one. On one hand, I did like it, it kept me engrossed, but on the other hand there were many things that bothered and annoyed me.
So, Eden it this place that "has it all," depending on your definition of "all." The sectors are wild, lawless. If you live in a commune, you are an indentured servant making someone else money. Regardless of where one lives, sorry if you happen to be female! Eden= subservient homemaker there to make you husband's life better. The sectors= prostitute, stripper. The commune= baby marker.
Noelle happens to really like sex and drinking. She gets kicked out of Eden. Jasper, of the O'Kane gang, rescues her. Her dad happens to be a councilman. I got so tired (so tired!) of reading about how "bad" she was. Oh please. Jasper was okay. This was more Noelle's story. I didn't really know Jasper by the end of this. I did like the difference POVs; Lex, Dallas, Six, Bren, and Rachel are interesting characters. The sex scenes were hot. I thought some of the scenes were there purely for shock value. 
Surprisingly, I was interested in the world, but found the world building severely lacking (what did I expect in an erotica?). There is no explanation of the "Flare" that started(?) this whole mess. Fertility is also an issue- why? It's convenient in an erotica to not have to worry about contraception. Or STDs. For a sci-fi dystopian, this didn't turn over any new leaves. Men are still better because they are physically stronger. Which is everything. Women are still reliant on men for their well being. I might as well have been reading a historical. 
I did (for the most part) like the characters. But, for the reasons listed above, I'm not reading more of this. It'll just piss me off.


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Monday, March 4, 2019

Chaos Station


Chaos Station - Jenn Burke, Kelly Jensen

War has been over for about 6 months. Felix (AKA Fix) is part owner of a ship that takes jobs. He is the mechanic and can fix anything. He was also a POW and declared dead. Zander (aka Zed) was "let go" by the military after the end of the war. He is at a crossroads and doesn't know what to do with his life; also in part d/t an experiment to make him a super soldier. Felix and Zander have known each other since they were kids, having gown up together and gone to academy together. Best friends, former lovers. Zander though Felix was dead.
This was a sweet 2nd chance story with good action and world building. The secondary characters are intriguing too- Qek, Nessa, and Elias. I would have liked more information on the Stin, that maybe forthcoming in a future installment. I'm betting the experimentation that Zed was exposed to will play into future books since they are only learning about the short term effects (and long term are completely unknown).

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...