Friday, November 30, 2018

The Bedwetter


The Bedwetter: Stories of Courage, Redemption, and Pee - Sarah Silverman

I enjoy Sarah Silverman's comedy. While I don't like *every* joke she tells, I think she's funny. I listened to the audio book courtesy of my local library on my commute to work this week. There were several laugh out loud moments made better since Sarah narrated this herself. The thing that kept this from being rated higher was it's disjointedness. I thought she jumped around (this is not chronological at all) a bit too much.


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Monday, November 26, 2018

Burning Alive


Burning Alive - Shannon K. Butcher

I feel like I *should* have liked this more than I did.  I had a hard time connecting.  Helen has had visions of burning alive while a strange man watches her.  When she sees this man while she is dining out, she gets scared.  

I thought Helen was stupid at times.  I found her fear of fire annoying.  I really had a hard time connecting with her (or even liking her).  Drake was okay.  Their relationship developed fast. A bit of an open ended epilogue (dare I say cliffhanger?).

Interesting concepts (the tattooed trees) and I liked some of the secondary characters.  I'm on the fence about continuing on to book 2.

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Sunday, November 25, 2018

Freakn' Cougar


Freakn' Cougar (Freakn' Shifters, #6) - Eve Langlais

Patricia has loved and lost. She was living in the past. There is someone killing shifters in prison. Ricky and Stu are recruited to help Patricia suss out the killer. 
I really liked Stu's Beta to Ricky's Alpha. I thought that they balanced each other out well. I enjoyed to humor. I would have liked the mystery aspect to have been a little more. It's glossed over. More meat (no pun intended) to that story would have made this better. However, this is still a good story with likable characters.
And this: I don't think someone "almost forty" is that old.

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Monday, November 19, 2018

Hot Pursuit


Hot Pursuit (A Hostile Operations Team Novel)(#1) - Lynn Raye Harris

So Evie gave her virginity to Matt. Matt (drunk) proceeds to tell his friends about it. They in turn, (because of course they do) label Evie a slut. Matt then leaves for a military career and Evie is left behind. As soon as she can, she leaves her small town too. She ends of back in her small town after her lover steals all her money and she is forced to close her restaurant. Matt is back in town for his sister's wedding.
I liked Matt a lot more than Evie. Evie had moments that I thought were TSTL (like not staying where Matt tells her to stay). Both brought up the past way too much. Just get over it already! I did like the suspense. The ending was nice and one I could believe.

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Thursday, November 15, 2018

After the Dark


After the Dark - Cynthia Eden

This was enjoyable. Great psychopath (and a copy cat). I liked that Samantha was smart and knew her strengths. She was also relate-able (I think most people have known someone that they thought they knew- and didn't really). She has a good backstory (I thought it was tragic, but unique & I think many would have done exactly what she did). I liked Blake, but there were moments where he was too protective; however, I thought Samantha was able override those moments. That being said, while I knew Samantha, didn't really learn about Blake and what makes him tick.

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Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Deeply, Desperately


Deeply, Desperately  - Heather Webber

[spoiler]This didn't have the spark of book 1 for me.  I still enjoyed it, but it didn't hold me attention like the first book did.  Lucy decided to admit her feelings and fight for what she wanted (that was nice).  I do think the Curse only has power if one believes in it (and I'm interested if my theory proves to be correct).  The Handmaiden letters, Leo, and Sarah mysteries (threatening letters and 2 missing persons cases), were done well and resolved (nicely) by the end of the book.  Lucy finally shared her family's history with Em and Marisol.  Finally!  Lastly, I can't say I'm surprised:[spoiler]

Lucy finds out she has a half-brother- Cutter



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All In


All In: A Sin City Collectors Novella - Amanda  Carlson

Ginger and Lucas are tracking Ginger's brother Lucas. Ginger and Damien's father hated what he was (an incubus) and passed on that hatred to his children, or so Ginger thought. She didn't like what she was and by the end had accepted what she was. I liked that when Ginger was accused of something she didn't do, she told control of the situation and built up an organization specializing in information. I didn't like that she was willing (over and over) to give her brother the benefit of the doubt.
Damien's father was killed by an incubus. He hated all incubi/succubi. Imagine his surprise when he met Ginger! I thought they were a good fit. Well paced.


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Monday, November 5, 2018

The Wolf Siren


The Wolf Siren - Karen Whiddon

Lilly has been held captive and tortured for 15 years. Thought dead by her twin brother Lucas, she is rescued by him and The Pack (in The Lost Wolf's Destiny). Turns out there are some of the group that escaped and are free and are after Lilly. Kane, one of The Pack's Protector's, is assigned as her bodyguard.
I thought Lilly started out very meek, scared at her own shadow at first. I liked how she gradually got stronger and more self confident. I liked how she was able to save herself and didn't require rescuing. I was pleasantly surprised!
One thing that I thought was strange was how Kane was surprised more than once by the approach of someone. As a wolf shifter, I would have thought he had enhanced hearing and would have heard. 

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Sunday, November 4, 2018

Interlude with Tattoos


Interlude with Tattoos (A Charm of Magpies, #1.5)  - K.J. Charles

Read out of order, but I still enjoyed this one. Short and sweet.

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...