Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Loyal Wolf


Loyal Wolf (Alpha Force Book 6) - Linda O. Johnston

Kathlene is a deputy sheriff who suspects a group of men, who have moved in to her town, are in the process of doing illegal activities. No one listens to her (she's a woman, and this is a theme among the Sheriff- he doesn't like woman who have opinions). So, she calls in an outside party to help investigate- Alpha Force. Alpha Force happens to be an elite military group made up of shifters and plain old people. Jock is the shifter in the duo that meets at her town.
This wasn't bad, but it wasn't awesome either. It kept me entertained. I thought the wrap-up happened fast and would have liked more suspense (there isn't much). I was glad that Kathlene was smart and could more than hold her own against the sexist Sheriff.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1779672/loyal-wolf

Saturday, July 28, 2018

One Wedding, Two Brides


One Wedding, Two Brides - Heidi Betts

eARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing and NetGalley.
Published: 7/23/18
Let me start out by saying I requested this book because it sounded interesting with a different trope/plot-line than what I normally read. When I first started reading, I had some concerns and if the general "likability" of either Ryder or Monica would be enough to overcome what issues I had with it. While I thought Monica was TSTL at the beginning, I liked her at the end. She had some good business ideas and the talent to carry it out. Ryder, on the other hand, I thought was an asshole and made a little improvement, but not enough. The rest of this review is hidden behind the awesome page break. I can't talk about the issues I had with this book without giving anything away. 

So Monica gets black-out drunk and crashes her ex-fiance's wedding. She is "rescued?" by Ryder, who also happens to be the bride's brother and SOBER. He then lets Monica (or as he states later in the book "badger") him into getting married with the promise of a 50,000 payday. Oopsie, I mean loan! Consent anyone? Not only that, but his views of women: "He didn't need a woman underfoot, getting in his way, throwing tantrums, and telling him what to do." 
"She's ride and rope, be tough enough to get thrown, but climb right back in the saddle. She'd cook and clean and all-in-all make his life easier." "Just like a real wife- nag, nag, nag." None of the give and take, it's all about ME! What can you do for ME! Yeah, that's romantic. Asshole. 
Then the morning after when Monica wakes up, she has NO memory of what she did. None. She comes clean about what Matt (the Rat) did, and does Ryder believe her? No. Is he concerned about his sister? No to that as well. Instead, he reacts angrily. "...clenched teeth." "...he added with a growl. If his fists tightened any more, his knuckles would pop off like the buttons on David Banner's shirt as he turned in the Incredible Hulk." "Ryder's molars ground back and forth in fury.....With shoulders tense and feet spread, he looked prepared to fight. And all Monica could think was that if he took a swing at her, she should duck and run for cover." "Ryder stared at her a moment with crazed rage in his eyes." "Ryder didn't strangle her." Attractive, amiright? Just what every woman wants to read about. I just LOVE (potentially) abusive heroes!! 
He thinks she could have prevented Matt from leaving her. He thinks Monica is a lazy, idiot. He continues to not believe her (and actually don't blame him there) about Matt swindling her money. What bugged me more, was he wasn't concerned at all about his sister. Learning later that Josie stood to inherit some money, I would have liked him to show some concern. She could easily be a victim too. But, this would require Ryder to think about someone else besides ME! Sure, he's got a goal to start an equine therapy program on his ranch. That's good. He, however lacks compassion. Despite all of that, Monica still wants to help him. Maybe that does make her an idiot too. 
Another issue I had is the whole Matt thing. It's unresolved. He skips of of the country. And is free. How is that fair? I wanted to see his swindling ass locked up!
One last thing (and this is really just me nitpicking): One of the reasons Ryder was broke was a tornado that hit his ranch. This is Nevada. Yes, they can happen, but they are a rare. It mentions fixing up the property and the cost, etc. Did he not have insurance? Because, yah, that's stupid right there. 

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1778828/one-wedding-two-brides

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

The Striker's Chance


The Striker's Chance - Rebecca Crowley

Holly is a self-employed PR professional. Kepler de Klerk is the person she is tasked with improving the image of. Kepler was the driver in an auto-accident that severely injured him and a teammate. He's been out of action for more than a year. Because he was the driver, he was blamed and harshly criticized for the accident and his former team released him to Charlotte Discovery.
I thought this was sweet. Kepler is not quite the person the tabloids made him out to be. I was pleasantly surprised. I liked that the romance (and later the sex) was a slower build. 
For Ripped Bodice Bingo: Soccer square!


Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1777761/the-striker-s-chance



Emissary - Marcella Burnard

I thought this was interesting. Short, the atmosphere/world building happens quickly. I was a little confused during this short novella due to that. This would have been better had it been longer and the world building more detailed. That said, Ahmeksut is an interesting character. She's kick-ass. I liked her companions; 2 lionesses Eburi and Sorqet.


Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1777760/emissary

Five Things I Love About You


Five Things I Love About You - Sarah Ballance

Estelle is apartment sitting for her brother. She happens to be a landscape architect and despises the city. Crosby is part of a family owned business currently struggling. It seems most of the businesses use the chain HVAC companies. 
This was short, sweet. Crosby got on my nerves for his sense of responsibility- he is of the opinion since he is the oldest child (3 younger brothers), he has the one solely responsible for the family's business. Estelle had a few moments where she was struck dumb by Crosby's "hotness." *Eye roll* I did like the end where each came to their own decision independently without knowing what the other did.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1777638/five-things-i-love-about-you

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Free Falling


Free Falling - Sandy James

Better than the first book.
I liked that there's a lot happening; a rescue, mistaken identity, a stalker, a 2nd rescue, and a mystery. I have to admit the "mistaken identity" is one of my favorite tropes. Laurie and Ross do fall quickly, but it felt believable. I liked the 1920s style mystery. I liked Ross and Laurie's comprising. I liked Laurie rescue of Ross in the beginning. Laurie's ability was also a cool one.
What I didn't like/annoyed me: Laurie's stupidity. And her roommate's. The whole, we forget to lock out door! Or if we have to carry a key around we will lose it! Really?! Then, after the office gets ransacked, someone (walks right into) breaks into her home and does the same to her bedroom, and she gets pushed down the stairs; she STILL forgets to look the door? What?! And this leads to an event that later happens to Laurie and she needs to be rescued. 
I also thought the ending was a bit rushed. I would have liked to read about Ross and Laurie arriving to the conclusion they did. Earlier in the book, I thought that was a viable solution to Laurie's issue (not the door locking; she's promised her parents she will take over the chair of her family's charitable Foundation when she turns 30). It would have been interesting to read about the "light bulb" moment.
Bruiser, Sheila, Deepika, and Andrew were all decent supporting characters.

Ripped Bodice Bingo: Free Space

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1776224/free-falling

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A Case of Possession


A Case of Possession - K.J. Charles

This picks up soon after the first book. Lucien and Stephen are still seeing each other, but both each have their own lives. Each have feelings that have gotten stronger, but do not know how the other feels. (Don't worry- they TALK in this one and are honest with how each feels).
Complicating matters are Lucien's family history and the power there. Because they are sleeping together, Stephen can draw on that power, leading his partner, to suspect he might be turning to the dark side. Stephen's partner, Esther has a decent roll in this one and I'm glad to read about her on the page.
One thing I liked was Stephen's friends, they loved and accepted him just as he was. I am interested in how they continue to progress.

Ripped Bodice Bingo:  Queer+Historical square

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1774924/a-case-of-possession

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Lighting the Flames


Lighting the Flames: A Hanukkah Story - Sarah Wendell

A Hanukkah romance! Winter holidays in July!
I wanted to like this more than I did. The author's creation (with another person) is a website I adore (smartbitchestrashybooks.com). I liked Wendell's non-fiction books. This was her first romance.
I didn't really connect with Gen and Jeremy. I felt that they were immature. Definitely reads as a NA romance. 
What I did like was the Hanukkah aspect, I learned a bit.
For Ripped Bodice Bingo I am using this for the Summer Camp square- while I know this wasn't set exactly during a summer camp, it was set at location that hosts a yearly summer camp and both MC were attendants as children and staff as adults. The secondary characters were attendants/staff at previous summer camps (and now the special winter camp in which this is set).

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1774458/lighting-the-flames

Friday, July 13, 2018

Death Defying


Death Defying - Nina Croft

This opens with how Tannis met Rico.  It had been hinted at, but it was good to read about her background.  Their first meeting explains so much of their friendship.  More about the Church, the Council, Meridian, Trakis Seven, Trakis One.  Callum's character was an interesting one.  He started out as an asshole, I didn't like him, but gradually eventually I did.  Tannis and Callum have a bit of a slow burn romance (if you count about a week).  There are new characters in this one and the death of 2.  I'm enjoying this series.  I like how each is about a couple, but there is a huge underlying story-line the connects each book.  I also love how the characters are in each one.  Think Firefly.  This is a chosen family.

Spoilers behind page break (mainly for my memory to help keep things straight).

For my memory
Book 3 ends as they (purposfully) were swallowed by the black hole by Trakis One (the prison planet). They discover Trakis One (the ship from earth). Tannis gets her Meridian treatment. "Meridian" are alien life forms; I was a bit confused about what exactly it *is*
Rico (vampire) + Skylar (Meridian-ite; for lack of a better word)- book 1
Al AKA Alex (former high priestess of the Church, now turned werewolf) + Jon (former assassin+werewolf) book 2; find out they are expecting in book 3.
Tannis (GM; human +snake DNA, captain) + Callum (Meridian-ite, the first to find it and have it "latch on." He has wings) Book 3
Daisy - GM- human with plant. She is green. She's very kind, but protective of her family.
Janey- red hair, computer Genius hates men, has a story (I think she killed her husband, ?abusive?)- murdered book 3
The Trog- AKA Tristan Starke, brother of Devil who is the leader of the Resistance. Murdered in book 3
Devlin- "joined" the crew in book 3

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1774317/death-defying

Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...