Thursday, June 28, 2018

Murphy's Law


Murphy's Law - Sandy James

Whelp. That's done. I really liked the 80's movie "Maid to Order," with Ally Sheedy. This is similar, except it's a guy who has to work for a living (and there are other differences, but the concept is the same). I wish I could say this worked for me.
My main issue is Seth. Yes, he's an Asshole. He had moments, for example, he got attached to the horses and I would think, he's changing! But, then, he'd open his mouth and something shitty would come out. (An example: "No woman's worth that much money.") While he does get better, it wasn't enough for me. I also didn't like how he *suddenly* got so good at the job. Going from groom to trainer to driver? Really? 
While I liked Katie, I thought she got weak at the end. Here is this strong, ambitious, driven woman, who (why???!!!) decides to marry someone that she loves as a friend only. Eh? I really didn't understand how fast she fell for Seth. I also have to point how the plot-line: "I was told I would have a difficult time getting pregnant." Horseshit. That might be true in Real Life, but in Romancelandia? Yeah, not a problem at all! It's a plot device.
All my nitpicking aside? I stayed up this morning until 1230am to finish it. I did like that it took place in Indiana, where I lived from 1986-2006. I lived Indianapolis and worked at Methodist Hospital. Dan Patch Raceway I imagined was like Hoosier Park in Anderson. 
I did like Ross and will read his story. (It's also got one of my favorite tropes).
 Ripped Bodice BIngo: Forced Proximity square!


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Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Hate to Want You


Hate to Want You: Forbidden Hearts - Alisha Rai

Livvy and Nicholas were childhood sweethearts. They grew up together. Their grandfather's founded at grocery store that became successful and became a small chain of stores. Things are happy. Until an accident kill's Livvy's dad and Nicholas's mother. Nicholas's father (Brendan) does something underhanded and takes over Livvy's family's control of the business. Livvy and Nicholas break up. For the next ten years, they see each other for sex on Livvy's birthday.
Having just turned 30, Livvy decides it's time to try and reconnect with her family. Her mom had a fall and broke her hip, this gives Livvy a reason to come home too. The accidental effected every single person in both families. One exploited the situation and used it to control others, while others members retreated and dealt with it in their own way.
I LOVED this book! Both Livvy and Nicholas had so much depth. While this is a romance book with a HEA ending, there are some serious issues in this book. I do admit to some frustration with how some characters allowed Brendan to dictate their lives, but I also think that was realistic given ages/circumstances. I liked the moment Tani and Livvy talked (at least a little). I would have liked more on that front. 
I wonder about Eve's paternity; there was a moment that made me wonder. Luckily, she gets her book! Sadia and Jackson are next! And I admit I am curious about Jackson. Just what has he been doing? And was he framed? Maybe by Brendan?
Ripped Bodice Bingo: I'm using this for the enemies to lovers square. (L&N are lovers to enemies to lovers).

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Thursday, June 21, 2018

Wild Thing


Wild Thing - Robin Kaye

Hunter loves the outdoors. He hikes, kayaks, skis, you name it, he does it. He also owns his own outdoor company. Toni, on the other hand, is a city girl. She's the manager for a modeling company. 
The outdoors freak her out. Not to mention, fashionable shoes are so much more important than practical ones. (Snark).
I admit to being a bit confused. I'm really, really not sure what Hunter saw in Toni. This was definitely an opposites attract, insta-love story. 
I also felt I missed something with the (brief) Ben/Gina/Rafael story-line. Huh?
But, it was kinda cool to read a story that happened in Idaho. 

This works for fashionista for Ripped Bodice Bingo; Toni is unconventional in her fashion choices. She is a manager for a modeling agency.


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Sunday, June 17, 2018

Spirited Away


Spirited Away - Cindy Miles

This was an enjoyable read. Tristan and his knights were murdered (and cursed) in 1292. Fast forward to present day. Andi, a forensic archaeologist, is tasked with excavating a skeleton and weaponry buried underneath a tree that goes uprooted by a storm. What ensues next is a nice mystery. If you like your romance clean, with some paranormal, I would recommend this one.

I will use this book for the time-travel square for Ripped Bodice Bingo. (It fits, kind of- it IS shelved 13 times as time travel on GR).


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Thursday, June 14, 2018



Updrift - Errin Stevens

I would have DNF'd this had I not needed a mermaid book for Ripped Bodice Bingo. I owned this one and have too many books to go and buy something new I knew I would like and would fit this category. 
I'm hiding this behind a page break because I can't review this book without spoilers. Rant ahead.


Ripped Bodice Bingo!!!!!: Mermaids

Holy fuck, what DID I just read? 
Kate is 6 when the book starts. Part one is so slow and it took me FOREVER to wade through. Part 2 and 3 DO pick up and more happens. 
Back to Part 1. Kate goes from 6 to about 17 in this one. I did like how Kate and Gabe first met. I liked the introduction to the world, the various friendships, and personalities. 
I didn't like the secrecy. It sucks when you feel you should know something and people you trust don't in turn trust you enough to share. That is this WHOLE book. Kate does finally find out Gabe is a merman (he likes the term siren better). But....all that build up and BOOM! It's over. Kate doesn't question it, wasn't surprised. Nope. 
Sirens have to ability to influence people. Imagine this: 
Human: "Oh my, the sky is so blue and pretty today! The sun is shining and I love the warmth on my face!"
Siren: "Oh, no it's not. It's cloudy and rainy."
Human: "Oh yeah, I'm cold. Let's go in and get out of the rain."
Yeah, didn't like this. There were several instances when it affected a character's personal choice to go do something. 
Siren's (the guys, I don't know about the gals) have the ability to hold a female's wrist and tell if they are ovulating. If they have sex, there is a 100% chance of pregnancy. Holy shit, that's not creepy at all!
I HATED the Will and Dana storyline. What was the point? Dana is Cara's sister and Kate's aunt. Both Dana and Will decided not to have kids and then both have a mid-life crisis where they regret the decision. One's a cheater, alcoholic who decides to commit suicide, but is sirens. And wouldn't you know it; are happily pregnant at the end of the book. 
I didn't like the Peter storyline either. Really? I'm supposed to believe that this particular siren is soooo talented he can fool anyone believing he is someone else? *Eye roll* Yeah, of course Peter had "mommy issues." Asshole. And Gabe discovers he has abilities previously unknown and saves the day!
Kate worked her ass off for her degree, but decides at the end BABIES!

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Dark Oracle


Dark Oracle - Alayna Williams

So, this has so much information at time, my eyes crossed. I was bored. I stuck with this one, because the hero is named Harry and I need this for Ripped Bodice Bingo! I would have liked this better had it not been so damn descriptive. I did like Tara and felt her character was realistic for someone who had been through a trauma and subsequent PTSD. I do wish she had been a less resentful. Harry, was okay.

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Sunday, June 10, 2018

Her Super-Secret Rebound Boyfriend


Her Super-Secret Rebound Boyfriend - Kerri Carpenter

Lola's boyfriend just broke up with her. Her best friend, Frankie, comes up with an idea to cheer up her and get her out of the rut she fell in. That idea, taken from an episode of the Golden Girls (yeah!), is to crash someone else's high school reunion. While there, she meets Luke. Luke happened to know the person whose name tag Lola was wearing. Busted! But wait, Luke has a family reunion to go to and needs a fake girlfriend.
While this was predictable, it was exactly what I was in the mood for. This was fun, flirty, lighthearted and doesn't take itself too seriously. Both have Issues. Luke with his dad, Lola with her mom. Lola was a little naive. She also had some self-esteem issues. I didn't like how being nice was equated with being a doormat. 
I really like Lola's friends and Luke's family (I suspect a story might be brewing for Oliver and Winnie; and then maybe one for Frankie?). I loved the Golden Girl quotes. I do wish more had been said that, while there are many families that are related, there are many more that are chosen. Lola thought too much about how alone she was, when she had a chosen family right there (like the Golden Girls). 

eARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing, LLC (Lovestruck) and NetGalley
Publishes on June 11.

I'm going to use this for Ripped Bodice Bingo for the Heroine's eyes are described using the ocean; "the crystal blue hue of her eyes." and "Her eyes sparkled..."

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Friday, June 8, 2018

Beauty and the Beast


Beauty and the Beast: An Adult Fairytale Romance - Vivienne Savage

I did enjoy this. Nice, fairly clean romance. I would have liked it a little more had there been a little more steam. Nice set-up at the beginning, I would have liked more in the middle once Ana got to the castle. I did like the ending, it didn't feel rushed like the middle of the book felt. I did really like that Alistair truly saw Ana as his equal. While Ana was very sheltered, she was quick to stand up for herself.
This would be appropriate for older teens.

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Wednesday, June 6, 2018

One in a Million


One in a Million - Jill Shalvis

This is one of my least favorites in this series. Callie and Tanner weren't bad, but each had their Issues. Callie more so then Tanner. She had a bad experience with love and therefore love must not exist. She gave one person way too much power to dictate her life. I don't mind some push-pull, but this was annoying. One step forward, now let's take 2 steps back shall we? 
I did enjoy the roles Becca, Olivia, Sam, Cole, Troy, and Lucille. I liked that Lucille has her own ending. As always, I enjoyed the interactions between all of them. One thing did help make up for my frustration: the proposal scene.

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...