Sunday, January 28, 2018

Driving Mr. Dead


Driving Mr. Dead - Molly Harper

Miranda has had a lot of jobs. Then, something happens and the job is no more. Iris (from The Care and Feeding of Stray Vampires) hires her to be a vampire chauffeur. Her first job is driving to Washington and picking up Collin Sutherland and taking him to Half Moon Hollow. 
I laughed out loud so many times, I needed this! We get a brief appearance from Iris and Dick Cheney. I liked Miranda's growth and appreciated Collin's declaration of "like." Excellent and enjoyable.

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Wednesday, January 24, 2018

More Than You Know


More Than You Know (The Harrisons) - Jennifer Gracen

Dane is opening a new hotel. To set his hotel apart, he is looking for a lounge singer to help attract guests. Julia has her regular day job and takes gigs on the side. When Dane hears Julia, he knows she would be perfect for his hotel.
Starting out, I hated Dane. He is obnoxious, elitist, entitled, and a snob. Julia was a little better. But, I didn't like her focusing so much on her past and that was effecting her present. I got irritated with the age difference (he's 36, she's 41) being brought up over and over. Not a big fucking deal! Also with Julia's bust size. Yes, I know they are large. Just stop it, please! Say it once and then move on.
I liked Dane's family, particularly Tess. I might check out her story. Julia has a few awesome friends that are supportive of her and call her on her shit. Luckily, both get their shit together. I didn't hate Dane at the end, he was okay. 

*after reading synopsis for Tess's story....probably not.


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A Venetian Vampire


A Venetian Vampire - Michele Hauf

Dante and Kyler, unbeknownst to each other, set out to steal liberate a Faberge egg.  It turns out this egg is special.  It holds a spell that will have negative consequences for vampires.

Kyler steals liberates the egg.  Dante intends to steal liberate it from her.  When they meet, sparks flew and before you know it, someone else has stolen the egg from them!  I liked the push/pull, the chemistry of two characters that were incredibly attracted to each other, but each had unknown motives.  As the layers come off, trust starts to take place.  

But then there were two, yes two, kidnappings.  I also thought of Cat and Bones every time Dante called Kyler "Kitten."  They are most definitely not Cat and Bones.  

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Thursday, January 18, 2018

Dance With Me


Dance with Me: A Dance Off Novel - Alexis Daria

This is Natasha's story.  Natasha was Gina's best friend and rommate in the first book (Take the Lead).  After an unexpected disaster, Natasha finds herself homeless.  Her on and off lover for 3 years, Dimitri, offered her his spare bedroom.  

So, having enjoyed the first book, I wanted to read this one too.  A word of advice:  Just skip this one.  I had Issues.  Big, Major Issues.

Natasha makes it known that she doesn't want to be lovers while she is living with Dimitri.  Dimitri finds ways to constantly and consistently push her line.  What made this worse (for me), was Dimitri's position of power.  Not only is Natasha dependent on him for a roof over her head, he is also a judge on the dancing show she is on.  When Natasha is injured, he makes it so she is almost completely dependent on him.  Fuck No.

Then there is Natasha.  She is envious and jealous of Gina.  Get over it.  Please.  She didn't make the best decisions (being broke and then going out for dinner at an expensive restaurant with her friends for example).  She does mature a little by the end and I did find I didn't want to slap some sense into her as much.

So to summarize, Dimitri's behavior was something that *most* people would not put up with in real life.  So, it shouldn't get a pass in a book boyfriend.  It's not romantic, it's abusive.  But read the first book:  it's good!    


eARC courtesy of St Marin's Press (Swerve) and NetGalley.
Released Dec 12th 2017

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Hell or High Water


Hell or High Water (The Deep Six) - Julie Ann Walker

First in a series, this focuses on a group of ex-military men. What makes this different is they are a marine salvage company. This is Leo and Olivia's story. 
I didn't like this as much as I thought I would. With so many characters and personalities, I was a little lost. Decent action. I would think having a beard would make it hard to get a seal on a scuba mask. But, since I've never done that, I really don't know. It just struck me as weird. Not invested enough to read next.

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Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The Emerald Lily


The Emerald Lily (Vampire Blood Book 4) - Juliette Cross

In the first book (The Black Lily) we were introduced to Vilhelmina or Mina. Mina was the bride for Marius, but wasn't. In the last book (The Emerald Lily), we learned that Vilhelmina, (Mina) was in a bloodless sleep, a vampire form of torture. 
Luckily, I didn't have long to wait as Mina is rescued by Mikhail right at the beginning. I liked Mina's re-awakening, for lack of a better word. She grew from a sheltered, naive girl to a strong independent woman. I liked that she didn't like who she was and became someone she did like. I liked the moment when she claimed what was hers by right. And, yeah, she helped win the day. 
Mikhail is a good match for her. I liked that the rebellion, from book 1, continued to grow and this book concludes that rebellion. I am sad since I liked this series and wanted to learn more about Grant, Dane, Katya, and Riker (it would have been nice for them to get their HEAs too).

eARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing and NetGalley.
Publishes Jan 29th


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Saturday, January 13, 2018

Moonlight and Mechanicals


Moonlight & Mechanicals (Gaslight Chronicles, #4) - Cindy Spencer Pape

This is Wink and Liam's story. Wink has been in love with Liam since she first meet him. If memory serves, she was around 15. As she grew up and he got to know her, he fell in love with her too. Wink is a prodigy inventor. Liam works for Scotland Yard and also happens to be a werewolf. 
I really love Wink and was looking forward to her story. I love how unconventional she is. I love how her family loves and accepts her just as she is. I love the concept of family. There is the family you are born into. Then, there is the family of choice. 
Wink's brothers have a conversation with Liam about family that hits home for him. Liam was a decent character for Wink, even if I wanted to slap him a time or two. Overall, less "I want you, but I can't!" would have been nice. A little more on the mystery and the final outcome would have been welcome. It's over and done with too fast. But I did like it and feel this is the best so far. I have the next, Cards & Caravans, and will be reading it soon I hope.

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Sunday, January 7, 2018

Once in a LIfetime


Once in a Lifetime - Annie Greene

Ben's wife died 5 years ago. Ever since, he's taken jobs that put him far away from his hometown. Now he's back in town and staying. Aubrey, unhappy with the path her life has taken, accidentally stumbles into an AA meeting. One thing she takes away is the desire to make amends for her past mistakes.
I liked that Aubrey was a reformed "bad" girl. I do think the residents of Lucky Harbor were too quick to judge her, without getting to know who she was now. Ben, on the other hand, was well liked and couldn't do anything wrong. Overall, I liked this one. An excellent addition to the Lucky Harbor series! The "star" of the next book was introduced in this one. I can say I'm interested in Sam.

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Monday, January 1, 2018

Man Candy (Real Love #3)


Man Candy: A Real Love Novel - Jessica Lemmon

eARC courtesy of Random House Publishing Group (Loveswept) and NetGalley
Street date in Jan 9th 2018

Dax is on a trip to get away, having recently lost his dad. He's got a remote cabin rented for camping. Becca works for her brother. Having been late one too many times, she got fired. Loudly, in front of Dax (and some other people). She noticed Dax and thought he was hot. Dax noticed Becca and thought she was hot.
What follows is their one-night stand, turned 2 week affair, turned coupledom. I liked the duel POV. Dax was decent. Becca, not-so-much. Becca was immature, annoying, and flighty. Sure, she improved by the end, but I didn't really buy into the romance because it took her the whole book to get there. I did like the appearances in the end by the first 2 "book couples" Vince/Jackie and Grace/Davis. 
My least favorite of the 3.

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...