Friday, October 27, 2017

Born a Crime

Born a Crime: Stories from a South African Childhood - Trevor Noah

I borrowed the hardback from a friend. When I heard the audio (and I never listen to audios) was narrated by the author himself, I opted to listen to it instead. This made for nice entertainment to and from work for the last 2 weeks. 
Trevor Noah has improved from his first day, week, and year on The Daily Show. The Daily Show was my introduction to him. I hadn't heard about him prior to that. I learned so much about South African history from this book. He had an interesting upbringing (that's putting it mildly). And his mother; what a woman! Wow! There was so much to admire about her. 
The only thing that lacked: how he became a comedian. How did he progress from being a DJ to where he is now? That's not talked about in this book. But, anything else? Eye opening. Thought provoking. And most of all? You can learn something and be entertained. This was interesting.

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Scary, Lovesick, Foolish


Scary, Lovesick, Foolish: A Halloween Romance (Crazy, Sexy, Ghoulish Book 2) - Andrew G. Marshall

This picks up 2 years after Crazy, Sexy, Ghoulish. Brendan and Nora, dating for 2 years are now done with college. Brendan is writing and directing his own one act play for their town's "Horror Fest." Nora gets asked to play the lead in a competing play after their lead drops out. 
Each has insecurities and these play out over the course of the story. Bottom line: the BIG issue would have been solved if they both came clean and TALKED to the other one. This was still enjoyable and both learned and probably won't repeat the same mistake again. 
See the next story is Zack's. I think Vin needs one too.

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Sunday, October 22, 2017

On Fire


On Fire (Shadow Stalkers #4) - Sylvia Day

Darcy is a fire inspector in a small town investigating a series of arson incidents. Each is a place that Darcy is tied to in some way. After the third, she calls in for help. Jared, a Deputy Marshal arrives and is hot on the case. Insta-lust also flares up. 
This was decent. Very heavy on the sex, but it also had a plot. I liked Darcy's vocation, different for a change. She also saved herself towards the end, so mad props to that. Jared was also likable, and I liked that he had moments where he was distracted. 
I would have liked more on the mystery and Danielle. The suspense element could have been better. Everything was wrapped up, but *more* would have been wonderful. The "why" was lacking IMO. But, this did have halfway decent plot to all the sex that was happening on the page.
Slow start to this morning, this was the only book I finished for the readathon.  


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Saturday, October 21, 2017

Dewey's 24 Readathon Opening Meme


1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?

Boise, Idaho in the Mountain Time Zone

2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?

Um, just the one I'm working on right now (On Fire).  After that?  TBD.

3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?


4) Tell us a little something about yourself!

Oh goddess, I'm really not that interesting!  I have 3 cats and they all sleep on my side on the bed.  On me.  Especially when it's cold outside.  In the summer, they are in bed with us, but not on me.  

5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?

Reading!  Hopefully knocking down that TBR pile.  The downside is, I have a few things going on today.  So, I will say this now, I didn't read as much as I wanted.  

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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Arresting Desire


Arresting Desire - Shayla Black

Lucia: super smart academic who just turned 25. She also happens to be a virgin. Oh and she's part of a mob family. Yep, those last 2 sentences.
Jon: a 35 year old FBI agent. He was undercover 2 years ago and met Lucia. He's been HOT for Lucia ever since. Oh, and he's got SO much sexual experience. Of course he does.
This could have been good, but instead just annoyed me. I lost tract of how many times I rolled my eyes. I guess I'm still in my bitchy mood. Whatever. 

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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Taking the Heat


Taking the Heat (Shadow Stalkers #2) - Sylvia Day

Brian is a US Marshall tasked with protecting a witness while transporting her across the country to testify. Layla is that witness. It turns out they have a history together. First loves, they broke-up (but of course haven't forgotten each other). Complicating matters, Layla is the target of an assassination attempt. 
Didn't care to much for this one. I had a harder time getting into the story. Don't get me wrong, the sexytimes were HOT, but it was just weird under the circumstances (someone has tried to kill you while on the way to testify in court, but who cares! Let's have sex!). Because I wasn't that into the story, moments like this one took me out more (not to mention gave me a case of the giggles): "She's found his prostate." and " her pussy spasmed in greedy delight." And let's not forgot this one: "...her womb spasming with need."
I did like the end and how they compromised to solve their issues.


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Soul Possession


Soul Possession - Maya Banks

Jessie is a waitress at the bar that Rick and Truitt go to. Rick and Truitt have both flirted with Jessie and do so each time they see her. Both want to take her home with them, so they proposition her together, and each time she declines. Then one night, she gets falsely accused of stealing and fired. On this night, she accepts their offer. Then, the morning after, she is accused of murder and then soon after kidnapped by a serial killer terrorizing the city.
Whew! There is so much packed in this novella! I did enjoy the ride, lots of hot sex. Good, likable characters. Jessie didn't need saving and I appreciated that. I do think Jessie let Rick and Truitt off a little too easily. I think more groveling was necessary after what they did (or in this case didn't do).

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Sunday, October 15, 2017

Break Out


Break Out - Nina Croft

Rico is a vampire, born/made in the 15th century. This takes place in 3048, Earth is no more (doesn't say why) and mankind has taken to space. That also means genetic engineering and the discovery of Meridian. Meridian is an expensive mineral that has the ability to make a person immortal. As the series continues, I'm assuming I will learn more about it. Skylar makes Rico and his crew an offer they can't refuse. Skylar has her own secrets.
This was fun. I enjoyed the interactions of the crew of the El Cazador: Tannis, Daisy, Janey, Trog, and Al. Decent action, romance, and banter. Reminded me a little of Firefly. Looking forward to the next. It looks like it picks right up after this one, but with Al and Jon.

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Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The Sapphire Heist


The Sapphire Heist - Lauren Blakely

This is a continuation of book 1 (they really should have been 1 book IMO). Steph and Jake both have moments where they don't trust the other. I didn't think much of the moment Steph didn't, because, hey it made sense. Either way, they talked about it and moved on. Jake's moment, on the other hand, I didn't like and I thought Steph handled it well. 
Overall, this was decent, pacing is good and the "chase" is well played. The thief doesn't change throughout the book, even though there was a brief moment where I thought it could have been someone else. I do think this and The Sapphire Affair should have been 1 book. I think it would have worked better combining the 2.
Both of the books are available through Kindle Unlimited.

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Sunday, October 8, 2017



Unmentionable: The Victorian Lady's Guide to Sex, Marriage, and Manners - Therese Oneill

*This!* There is not one thing I disliked about this book. It is entertaining and educational. I loved the writing style; it was very snarky. For an educational book this was super fun! I know the Victorian times were less then romantic: however, this crazy uterus still likes and enjoys historical romances and movies. But, in all seriousness, our female ancestors put up with so much shit for just being female. Mad props to all of them! 
I liked this so much, I went out and bought a copy for my grandma (for Christmas). Should be fun, she'll like reading all about the fashion, sexual expectations, hysteria, and masturbation. Maybe:-)

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Saturday, October 7, 2017

Crystal Cove


Crystal Cove  - Lisa Kleypas

Justine is a natural born witch. Unbeknownst to her, she was cursed as a baby. She will never find love. Jason is a mysterious billionaire in town to look at property to. He also happens to be after something else. So, of course, they are drawn to each other. 
I really enjoyed the previous books. They had a little of a magical element to them; Lucy with her glass making, Zoe with her cooking. Granted that last one (Dream Lake) was even more paranormal with the ghost and what happened at the end. The one, Crystal Cove, is full on paranormal romance (IMO). I didn't work for me. *Gasp* Another LK book I didn't care for!! (Looking at you, Midnight Angel).
"Never read page thirteen..." Justine was told this by her mother, because telling someone to *not* to something (and to also not explain why) will make sure they *don't* do it! AmIright? I thought Justine being a witch would have been more cool had she known more about it and an active practitioner. Instead, it just seemed something she did when she wanted/needed something instead. The whole thing with her going out on the kayak with signs of an impending storm was stupid. Hey the app said the weather was fine, so it must be true!
I also wasn't crazy about Jason. I thought he was creepy. Then, after admitting he has "feelings" for her, scheming to steal something from her. Oops, I mean "borrow."
Another thing that ruined this book: "the witch's bane." WTF? Oh hell no. 
And this too: one of the main characters didn't have a soul. Oh please.

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...