Thursday, March 30, 2017

Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake


Nine Rules to Break When Romancing a Rake - Sarah MacLean

Bah humbug!
New author for me, thought I'd like, but man, I wasn't crazy about this book!
Callie just wants to live, so she is going to break some rules! My main issue is, I didn't connect to either character. I wasn't cheering for their story. I really didn't care. I don't know if it's the writing, my mood, or what.
One takeaway- I really want to know what, exactly, Callie used to bind her chest. I would never be able to bind mine enough to pass as a man (and as the books said, she is well-endowed)!

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Sunday, March 26, 2017

Releasing the Hunter


Releasing the Hunter - Vivi Anna

Pleasantly surprised with this. Ivy is a demon hunter whose brother disappeared 3 years ago. While at a job, she runs into Ronan. Ronan is a half-demon, turned against his will. Ronan wants to find Quinn for his own reasons. I liked the directions this want. Ivy realized that not everything is black and white. Nice wrap-up. Looking forward to next book about Quinn (who needs to learn his own lessson) and Daeva.


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Saturday, March 25, 2017



Unclaimed - Courtney Milan

Jessica made a bad decision when she was 14. Mark's upbringing gave him a unique view on sex. I loved having the roles reversed. Jessica starts out with the goal of seducing Mark to win a bet that will get her out of her current life. Instead she falls in love. At first I didn't like Jessica. But once her story came out, I both liked and sympathized with her. I thought Mark fit her very well.
I was surprised at how Mark's viewpoints on sex were so popular with other men (yeah, right). I appreciated how he was clear that women weren't the enemy or to be blamed for other's actions.
Looking forward to Smite's story (yes, that is his name!).

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Monday, March 20, 2017

The Abandoned


The Abandoned  - Amanda Stevens

I decided to finally start this book because I have the first 3 book in this series to read (and they will probably fit for Bingo). Oh my, this was good! I started and couldn't put it down!
Ree is a psychology student who overhears something she shouldn't. A ghost also attaches herself to her. A ghost hunter, Hayden, helps her. Amelia is introduced.
I am intrigued!

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Signal Boost


Signal Boost (Off the Grid) - Alyssa Cole

John catches Mykhail in his family's garden. They take him in. After finding out he is going to a nearby University to seek his professor (who predicted this would happen). We find out what happened! In theory, this *could* happen real life. (Unlikely the whole world, which from what I understand, happened in this one).
The romance was sweet, Mykhail coming out (so to speak). I was heartbroken when reading what happened to Mykhail's grandma. I appreciated that the reader found out what happened and some resolution happened.
Looking for to Maggie's story. Hope it's not too angsty.

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Saturday, March 18, 2017

The Night is Mine


The Night Is Mine - M.L. Buchman

Emily is the first female fighter pilot in the 160th Airwing. Mark is her captain. Good start; flying missions in Afghanistan. Emily is then called to the US to work undercover as a chef for the First Lady. Someone is trying to kill her. Maybe.
I liked the mystery of what was happening, the who-done-it. Emily is mostly perfect. There doesn't seem to be anything she can't do. I liked her, but didn't love her. The same goes for Mark. I was invested enough that I wanted to see what happened.
I thought the book was too detailed in some things (descriptions of the aircraft/flying for example) and other scenes felt like filler (for example the "battle" with Adams). This took me out of the story. For a romance, I would term this "romance-lite." There really isn't much IMO.
It was written well, just not to my taste.

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Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Aces Wild


Aces Wild: Sin City Collectors Novella - Amanda  Carlson

Neve and Jake had meet before when she had a fight in his bar, wrecked his bike, and ended up in his bed. Problem is, they have completely different memories of that night. This picks up 3 years after that. Neve is a Collector. She "arrests" supes. She is assigned a vampire and for this one, they assign her a partner. Yep, you guessed it! Jake!
This was well paced. I thought everything was explained well. The villain was a good one. For the length, this packed a nice punch. Looks like the next book by this author (book 3 in this series) will feature Diesel and Sofia who were both introduced in this one.

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Monday, March 13, 2017

The Black Lily


The Black Lily (Tales of the Black Lily) - Juliette Cross

This was a wonderful retelling of Cinderella (well, kind of- it's different!). Arabella is *the* Black Lily. She is going to kill Prince Marius. There have been peasants found on the edge of the forest, murdered, drained of blood. Something goes awry during the assassination. Marius is still alive, but intrigued and curious. He has his doubts, opinions about what a good leader does/should be.
I thought Marius was very ignorant of what was going on right under his nose. But, he learns quickly and is open to learning more. He and Arabella fit well together. I liked the mysterious forest and the wolves. There is a good cast of secondary characters. I want Sienna, Mina, and Nikolai to get stories too! I most definitely want the next!!

eARC courtesy of Entangled Publishing/NetGalley
Out 4/3

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Sunday, March 12, 2017



Twisted  - Emma Chase

Thus continues Kate and Drew's story. This opens up almost 2 years into their relationship. Things are going great. Until, they don't.
Wow, the mother of all misunderstandings. Yes, Kate lied about where she was going, but Drew's over-reaction took the cake. They didn't act like a couple who had been together 2 years. Both acted immaturely, one much more than the other. I thought Kate forgave too quickly and Drew didn't grovel enough.
The writing is snappy and I like the humor. But, I think, Drew is just too cocky, arrogant, and mean for my taste. I didn't like his nickname for his sister. It was inappropriate, mean, and didn't have any other purpose, IMO.
I will read Tamed since it's about Matthew and Delores. I really like Delores, so I'm reading her story for sure. Tied- probably not since it's about Kate and Drew (and narrated by Drew). I just don't see him getting less arrogant and cocky, and getting some empathy and modesty.

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Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...