Tuesday, January 31, 2017

How to Run with a Naked Werewolf


How To Run With A Naked Werewolf (Naked Werewolf, #3) - Molly Harper

Dr Anna Moder, AKA Tina, is on the run from her abusive ex, Glenn. She is hiding, with the support of a covert on-line network devoted to helping domestic violence victims. In the previous books, she appears as the pack's doctor. This opens with Tina on the run because of the possibility Glenn has found her. After getting off work, she helps out a man that got shot.
I loved the way she met Caleb. This was a fun read. Full of sarcastic banter, I spent a lot of time smiling and/or laughing. I liked that the relationship moved slowly, it worked in this case. Mo and Maggie and their other halfs make appearances. I was surprised at the end by the appearance of a couple from the Jane Jameson series (and probably Half Moon Hollow- I haven't started this one yet).

I am using this for the "Headless" woman square. 

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1523024/how-to-run-with-a-naked-werewolf

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Up From the Grave


Up From the Grave - Jeaniene Frost

Cat finds out that her friends from her government job are missing. That leads her and Bones to investigate. They find out about an illicit genetic experiment that has been going on for years. Top-secret, not even Don knew about it. The result could throw the undead world into upheaval and war.
This leads to revelations. The crew is back, Denise has a larger roll and I liked that. A decent wrap-up to a favorite series of mine. It is open ended, for future book(s). I think Katie could get her own series.
Luckily, I still have Vlad's final 2 books to look forward to.

I'm using this for the Urban Fantasy square.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1522053/up-from-the-grave

Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Boise, Idaho Women's March Jan 21st, 2017

The estimate was about 5,000 people.

Friends that I was able to walk with.  

Apologies for the next two- they are sideways because I'm not sure how to rotate them; what I tried didn't work.  

My favorite sign....and there were some really good ones.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1517724/the-boise-idaho-women-s-march-jan-21st-2017

Fool Me Twice


Fool Me Twice - Meredith Duran

Olivia is on the run. She finds a place as a housekeeper in Alastair's house. Alastair is depressed and hiding in his house since his wife died and he discovered she had been cheating on him and spreading secrets.
I enjoyed this. The first part of the book is Olivia taming/coxing Alastair to learn to live again. And each coming to know the other. I liked Olivia's strength. She didn't care what anyone though of her. Her goal was be safe and find a way for her father to leave her alone.
The second part is solving the secrets that come out. There were moments I didn't like Alastair, I thought he was purposefully mean. I liked the Olivia could dish it right back and didn't take it.

Using this for the Virgin square.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1517719/fool-me-twice

Monday, January 16, 2017

A Toxic Trousseau


A Toxic Trousseau - Juliet Blackwell

Opens right away with Lily being served. Then, Aidan leaves town leaving Lily in charge of the "satchel." I thought Lily handled it well. The mystery was a good one and nicely solved at the end. A new threat is revealed which (I assume) sets up the plot for the next book. Lily is ever growing and evolving into an intelligent, strong, confident witch. I loved Lily and Sailor's relationship which takes a leap forward in this book. I want to see it work out, despite Aidan's warning (prediction?). Using this for the Love in Murder square.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1514558/a-toxic-trousseau

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Get a Clue


Get a Clue - Jill Shalvis

Breanne just got dumped at the alter. So, she decides to go on her honeymoon alone, since it's all paid for. She has bad taste in men and this was the 3rd time she's been dumped. Cooper, on leave, happened to be booked for the same weekend. Oops, double booked! I wonder what is going to happen?????
Breanne had so many moments I wanted to slap some sense into her. First, her declaration on "no more men." Really, could have fooled me! Secondly, her packing for the week in the mountains- didn't she think to check the weather forecast? That would be a no. She squeaks, scream, and startles so damn much, locks herself out in the snow, gets lost in the house (seriously, the house can't be THAT big!), touches bloody gloves despite knowing she shouldn't. I could go on.
Cooper wasn't much better. One minute, he'd be a pushy asshole, and the next he'd be nice and comforting.
The rest of the cast of characters all had their moments too. For one, since the discovery of the dead body, you'd think they'd all stick together. Nope, they continue to all go their separate ways and have the run of the house. Plus, bears hibernate in the winter (bears was one of the reasons for not trying to dig out and try to get help).
If I were to base this on just the characters and the level of intelligence they exhibited, this was be a 2 at most. But, despite all the head shakes and eye rolls, this kept me entertained this weekend. In addition, the characters were likable and loyal to each other. I also liked the who-did-it. One of the (rare?) books where everyone was TSTL and went at it like rabbits. Sorry rabbits.
This author's newer stuff is much better. This quote also angered me (pg 8) "...would never marry, would never bring forth grandchildren into the world, and therefore would never amount to anything." I *almost* threw this across the room.

I using this for the TSTL  square.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1512085/get-a-clue

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Out of the Night


Out of the Night - Trish Milburn

This had some promise. After a virus killed over half of the human population, humans are hunted by vampires. Vampires can only drink whatever their blood type was before they became a vamp. To help keep the vampires happy, most of the remaining humans donate blood to their local blood bank. To be out at night to to ask to be killed or taken as a blood slave (for 1 or more vampires to feed on over time).
I didn't like Olivia. I liked what she did (dedicated to feeding the homeless), but otherwise she got on my nerves. She behaved stupidly at times. (I don't think quite TSTL, because some situations were are of her control and she had shitty luck). Campbell didn't stick out to me either. He was just okay.

Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1511076/out-of-the-night

Monday, January 2, 2017

The Hooker and the Hermit

The Hooker and the Hermit by L.H. Cosway
Annie works at a media firm, specializing in improving/managing celebrity image. She also moonlights as a celebrity blogger. Ronan, a rugby player, is in deep shit for beating up a teammate. Granted, I think the teammate deserved it, but still.
Annie's agency becomes involved with improving his image with Annie becoming his fake girlfriend. Both make first impressions and assumptions about the other that are wrong. I liked the pacing. I also liked the romantic development took some time. I thought both characters complimented the other quite well. In addition, both are likable and have their own issues to get over.
I will use this for the New Adult square for Romance Bingo.
Original post: RachelGoodbyeBorders.booklikes.com/post/1510550/the-hooker-and-the-hermit

Review: The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential Election by Donald Trump and Others

The Jack Smith Report: Final Report on Efforts to Interfere with the Lawful Transfer of Power Following the 2020 Presidential ...